PGConf.Russia 2025
PGConf.Russia is the largest PostgreSQL conference in Russia and the CIS. The event offers technical sessions, hands-on demos of new DBMS features, master classes, networking opportunities, and knowledge exchange with top PostgreSQL community experts. Each year, hundreds of professionals participate, including DBAs, database architects, developers, QA engineers, and IT managers.
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How to give a talk
If you have a hot technical topic that you want to present at the upcoming conference, please leave a request on the website. You can choose the format and duration of your presentation when submitting your request.
Selected talks
PGConf.Russia 2024PostgreSQL 17Pavel Luzanov
PGConf.Russia 2024pg укротительИлья СазоновФёдор Сазонов
PGConf.Russia 2024pg_profile: Отслеживание состояний сессийAndrey Zubkov
PGConf.Russia 2022Темпоральные типы и их использованиеIvan Frolkov
PGConf.Russia 2022PostgreSQL 15: MERGE и другиеPavel Luzanov
Past events
Developer of the database management system Postgres Pro, based on PostgreSQL. Postgres Pro is included in the Unified Register of Russian Software and is available in four versions: Postgres Pro Standard, Postgres Pro Enterprise, and their certified FSTEC versions.
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