Архив докладов
Arthur Zakirov Postgres ProfessionalTeodor Sigaev Postgres Professional
Возможности полнотекстового поиска в PostgreSQL
Full text search in PostgreSQL is probably the most advanced one among relational DBMS. This tutorial will explain how to setup full text search configurations and dictionaries and how to build a ful text search system using an example of a simple popular science web site, with demonstration of various ranking functions. Also I will tell about new RUM index, which allows to accelerate execution of some kinds of full text queries and implements a new improved ranking function.
Andrey Fefelov
Postgres как основа BI платформы, особенности, практический опыт
I will tell you about why Postgres is first-choice product as a foundation for your BI system with classical OLAP workload. Briefly it will be said about existing open source BI solutions.
I will also describe specific of our architecture, why we chose snowflake scheme and how we are doing extract, transformation and load procedures. It will be mentioned about special Postgres tuning for OLAP and massive data bulkload workloads. Also I will let you know about Postgres usage as a column database with cstore_fdw by Citus and results achieved. Cons and problems of our approach will be described in the end of the talk.
Aleš Zelený Česká spořitelna a.s.
Введение в PostgreSQL для Oracle DBA
This talk is intended for Oracle DBAs whose are considering to start using PostgreSQL as another RDBMS engine in their DB portfolio or for PostgreSQL DBAs, who wants to learn some of similarities and differences between Oracle and PostgreSQL. This talk is not intended to be a migration guideline neither advocating one platform over another. General database structure overview for both platforms will be compared in terms of memory configuration parameters; logical to physical structure as well as we’ll touch some security point of view and backup & recovery tools available. Oracle container databases are not covered. The talk want’s to help create a bridge for DBA and avoid some frustrations at the first Oracle DBA step to discover, learn and start using PostgreSQL as reliable fully functional database.
Sergey Mirvoda ООО Октоника, УрФУ
Аналитика в сёла! Опыт внедрения BI системы, функционирующей на ограниченном или разделяемом железе
Experience we've got after 5 years of developing, deploying and improving BI system used in government. I would talk about government IT reality and our way over it. Postgres performance improvements, using of latest features, overwriting of user generated queries to help query optimizer and other tweaks and hacks to tackle limited hardware problems. These lead us to number of computer science papers and (now committed) patches to Postgres (see Andrey Borodin talks for details).
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