

March 15 – 17 , 2017

PgConf.Russia 2017

Digital October, Moscow, Russia


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Архив докладов

PgConf.Russia 2017
  • Philip Delgyado
    Philip Delgyado ООО «Лектон»
    22 мин

    Distributed workflow specifics in PostrgeSQL

    When working with a complex business logic, you often have to implement a workflow - a sequence of several processing steps, with each step implementing a separate part of the business logic. This is usually done with specialized queues, but if there are high reliability demands, it makes sense to do everything on PostgreSQL.

    I will describe the tasks that require a workflow implementation, offer a solution, compare it with other options, and tell you about the implementation traps and pitfalls.

  • Jean-Paul Argudo
    Jean-Paul Argudo Dalibo
    22 мин

    temBoard a new tool for PostgreSQL

    Dalibo team produces open source tools for PostgreSQL among other things for many years now (see http://dalibo.github.io/).

    This time I'll present temBoard, a new tool to remotely control PostgreSQL databases. The project is visible at https://github.com/dalibo/temboard

    It's about monitoring, supervision, remote settings and actions... and many more features to come. The main goal is to provide a comprehensive console for PostgreSQL. It's needed by production DBAs, to daily achieve their tasks. We heard Dalibo's customers, as many of them wrote the specs :-)

  • Darafei Praliaskouski
    Darafei Praliaskouski Juno
    45 мин

    PostGIS for moving targets

    PostGIS enables spatial processing in Postgres. Usually PostGIS is used for planar euclidean calculations, but real world adds time, ambiguity and uncertainty. We'll have a look on making a thousand of cars move smoothly in real time on OpenStreetMap base map.


  • Egor Rogov
    Egor Rogov Postgres Professional
    90 мин

    ProBackup: fast, reliable, and incremental

    Modern state of backup tools for PostgreSQL certainly leaves some room for improvements. Standard utilities provides only basic functionality, third-party tools solve some, but not all, problems. To take backups reliably, fast, and incrementally on page level, one needs not only a backup tool, but also some support from the database server. On this tutorial we will talk about our new backup and recovery manager ProBackup, and will show it in action.

    Demonstration script:

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