Архив докладов
Anton Sikerin ООО "Транспортная интеграция"
PostgreSQL в задачах транспортной аналитики при проектировании мастер-плана для ЧМ-2018 в Екатеринбурге
1) About 2018 FIFA World Cup and tasks set; 2) Tools of the department of modeling and analytics; 3) Passenger traffic analysis in Koltsovo airport and on railway transport (long distance and suburb trains); 4) Population and employment analysis; 5) Routes design for client groups with automated metainformation display and assembling of the final reports; 6) Deployment of a map server to give access for the costumer to the client group routes
Dmitry Vagin Avito
Мониторинг PostgreSQL в Авито, с примерами
A short talk about collecting data and monitoring database workload in Avito. Exporting metrics from stored procedures to Graphite. Collecting and visualizing pg_stat* metrics in Grafana. Case studies.
Andrey Borodin Яндекс
Возможности ускорения GiST: патчи, хаки, твики
This report overviews some ideas and implementations to speedup different parts of generalized search trees (GiST): 1. Intrapage indexing 2. Fractal tree technology 3. Modern algorithms for spatial indexing (RR*-tree) 4.. Possible advancements of GiST API
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