

February 05 – 07 , 2018

PGConf.Russia 2018

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

PGConf.Russia 2018

PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 500 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 3-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.


  • PostgreSQL at the cutting edge of technology: big data, internet of things, blockchain
  • New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL ecosystem development
  • PostgreSQL in business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
  • Integration of PostgreSQL to 1C, GIS and other software application systems.
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Архив докладов

PGConf.Russia 2018
  • Nikolay Ryzhikov
    Nikolay Ryzhikov Health Samurai
    45 мин

    Использование PostgreSQL и Сlojure для разработки приложений, ориентированных на работу с базами данных

    If you honestly evaluate most of our business applications, you will see that they first collect and import the data into a database and then send the same data in the opposite direction.

    What if we don't build an ORM wall between the application and the database, but try using the symbiosis of their strong points and special features instead?

    I will tell you how we use PostgreSQL and Clojure for building data-intensive medical applications. We will cover the following topics:

    • functional relational programming
    • jsonb for modeling complex data domains
    • functional indexes and json-knife extension for jsonb search
    • graphql implementation on PostgreSQL
    • logical replication for building reactive integrations
    • asynchronous JDBC-free connector to PostgreSQL on netty

  • Andrei Salnikov
    Andrei Salnikov Data Egret
    45 мин

    Практика обновления версий PostgreSQL

    For the majority of System Administrators and DBAs performing an upgrade for RDBMS, let alone a major one, is a pain. That’s because one of the key factors that plays a role in a decision if and when to perform an upgrade is the downtime that it might come to during the process. This is true for any databases but especially important for those that are in production or under a high load.

    Often, a major upgrade get’s cancelled and a DBA needs to go back to an older version due to the lack of experience or some basic errors that could have been easily avoided at the planning stage.

    In our consultancy, we perform upgrades for our clients regularly and it allowed us to streamline the process and take some preventative measures that help us to perform it quickly, efficiently and with minimal or no downtime.

    In this talk, I will share some key steps and tools that will help any DBA to become better at major upgrade performance. I will answer the following questions:

    How to prepare for an upgrade of PostgreSQL? What one needs to do at the planning stage? How to plan your actions during the actual upgrade process? How to perform an upgrade successfully without going back to the older version? What actions one must perform following an upgrade?

    I will also go through the two most popular processes of an upgrade: pg_upgrade и pg_dump/pg_restore, will compare some of the benefits and downfalls using each of these. I will also discuss some of the main issues one might face throughout the process and ways to avoid them.

    This talk would be of interest to those who are new to PostgreSQL, as well as experienced DBAs who would like to learn more about upgrades or those who, in general, would like to understand why major upgrades should NOT be avoided like the plague.

  • Kamil Islamov
    Kamil Islamov Stickeroid Ai
    22 мин

    PostgreSQL и MQTT в качестве системы обработки IoT данных

    MQTT is an effective data exchange protocol for IOT devices. Based on own modified EMQTT plug-in, the IoT project architecture uses PostgreSQL as a central processing and storing system for data coming from sensors in real time. The report will provide an example of the IoT hardware and software platform solution, based up on the MQTT protocol, where PostgreSQL is responsible for key functionality, providing processing, collecting and storage of data from a distributed network of IoT devices.

  • Иван Картышов
    Иван Картышов Postgres Professional
    Dmitry Ivanov
    Dmitry Ivanov Postgres Professional
    22 мин
Все доклады


PGConf.Russia 2018



