PGConf.Russia 2018
PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 500 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 3-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.
- PostgreSQL at the cutting edge of technology: big data, internet of things, blockchain
- New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL ecosystem development
- PostgreSQL in business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
- Integration of PostgreSQL to 1C, GIS and other software application systems.
Архив докладов
Konstantin Evteev AvitoMikhail Tyurin Independent entrepreneur in the field of data technology and predictive analytics
Кейсы использования логической репликации для восстановления данных в PostgreSQL 10
Avito is the biggest classified site of Russia, and the third largest classified site in the world (after Craigslist of USA and of China). In Avito, ads are stored in PostgreSQL databases. At the same time, for many years already the logical replication is actively used. With its help, the following issues are successfully solved: the growth of data volume and growth of number of requests to it, the scaling and distribution of the load, the delivery of data to the DWH and the search subsystems, inter-base and internetwork data synchronization etc. But nothing happens "for free" - at the output we have a complex distributed system. Hardware failures can happen - it is natural - you need to be always ready for it. There is plenty of samples of logical replication configuration and lots of success stories about using it. But with all this documentation there is nothing about samples of the recovery after crashes and data corruptions, moreover there are no ready-made tools for it. Over the years of constantly using PgQ replication, we have gained extensive experience, rethought a lot, implemented our own add-ins and extensions to restore and synchronize data after crashes in distributed data processing systems. In this report, we would like to show how our experience can be shifted to a new logical replication subsystem in 10th version of PostgreSQL. In the current implementation, these are only non-trivial solutions - there is a number of issues for the community, that come down to implementing simple recovery mechanisms - as simple as configuring the replication in 10th version.
Alex Lustin SilverBulleters, LLC
Docker, PostgreSQL, Продуктив ....
I would like to share experience in runing PostgreSQL in dockerized environments, describe the specific issues and tools you will need to solve them.
- Which problems could be solved by Docker for PostgreSQL, e.g. PostgreSQLPro.9.6
Work of IT team with Docker in development, testing and production environments
- Using image repository and build servers for image testing
- Issues in production environment:
- With network activity
- With persistent repositories for Docker
- With additional services
- With load balancing and fail-safety
- Running PostgreSQL-base applications, such as:
- SonarQube
- Gitlab
- 1С platform
Oleg Bartunov PostgresProNikita Glukhov PostgresPro
"Умное" индексирование jsonb
Jsonb is a popular data type in PostgreSQL, it provides the web developers an ability to work with ubiquitous json inside the database and use all the power of proven relational database. Fast querying of jsonb data is a challenge for database and PostgreSQL provides several options for indexing jsonb. We present the new way of efficient indexing of jsonb, based on improvement of indexing infrastructure.
It's known, that json is a greedy data type, it may contains many auxiliary data not interesting for searching and that affects the size of index. Partial index will not helps, since it filters the rows before indexing, while we are interested in extracting of parts of jsonb. Functional indexes on specific keys could introduce too big overhead. We present an improvement of indexing infrastructure, which allows to control the index behaviour by passing parameters to operator class at index creation. For example, to index a user-defined subset of jsonb it is possible to pass to operator class the powerful path expression (either jsonpath of upcoming sql/json or jspath from jsquery extension), which can be used to extract the parts of jsonb tree. That makes index more effective and reduces the overhead of its maintaining.
Another use of parameterized operator classes is to allow a user to specify parameters instead of hard coding them, for example, the GiST signature size is currently hard coded inside the implementations of several opclasses (tsvector, hstore, intarray, pg_trgm, ltree), while it is natural to use different signature length for different data to have optimal size of index and its performance.
Full text search on parts of document can be improved by passing labels to the operator class and letting him index only specified parts of document, that allow to avoid currently used recheck of the rows returned by the index.
Bruce Momjian EnterpriseDB
Защита PostgreSQL от внешних атак
This talk explores the ways attackers with no authorized database access can steal Postgres passwords, see database queries and results, and even intercept database sessions and return false data. Postgres supports features to eliminate all of these threats, but administrators must understand the attack vulnerabilities to protect against them. This talk covers all known Postgres external attack methods.
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