

Dmitry Belyavskiy
Dmitry Belyavskiy ТЦИ
: December
22 мин

Crypto-related parameters of PostgreSQL

The presentation describes crypto-related parameters of PostgreSQL configuration (both authentication and TLS-protection of the connection to DB) and what do they mean




Другие доклады

  • Alex Lustin
    Alex Lustin SilverBulleters, LLC
    45 мин

    Docker, PostgreSQL, Production ....

    I would like to share experience in runing PostgreSQL in dockerized environments, describe the specific issues and tools you will need to solve them.

    • Which problems could be solved by Docker for PostgreSQL, e.g. PostgreSQLPro.9.6
    • Work of IT team with Docker in development, testing and production environments
      • Using image repository and build servers for image testing
    • Issues in production environment:
      • With network activity
      • With persistent repositories for Docker
      • With additional services
      • With load balancing and fail-safety
    • Running PostgreSQL-base applications, such as:
      • SonarQube
      • Gitlab
      • 1С platform

  • Olivier Courtin
    Olivier Courtin DataPink
    45 мин

    Advanced spatial analysis with PostgreSQL, PostGIS and Python

    PostGIS is well known and widely used since two decades, as the best OpenSource database solution for Spatial Analysis. This talk will focus on: spatial and advanced spatial analysis with pure PostGIS (including cutting edge PostGIS functions available); how to go further throught GeoDataScience, with Python libs and framework tied with PostgreSQL/PostGIS (including Machine and DeepLearning)

  • Alexander Alekseev
    Alexander Alekseev Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    PostgreSQL and compressed documents

    One of advantages of document-oriented databases like MongoDB or Couchbase over RDBMSs is an ability to change the data scheme easily, fast and often. The traditional approach in RDBMS world involves doing an expensive ALTER TABLE operation, slow upgrade of an existing data, and stuff like this. This approach is often slow and inconvenient for application developers.

    To solve this issue PostgreSQL provides JSON and JSONB datatypes. Also there are extensions like zson and pg_protobuf. From this talk you will learn how to work with these datatypes and extensions, their pros and cons and also related future work in this area.

  • Eren Basak
    Eren Basak Citus Data
    45 мин

    Distributed Point-In-Time Recovery with Postgres

    Postgres has a nice feature called Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) that would allow you to go back in time. In this talk, we will discuss what are the use-cases of PITR, how to prepare your database for PITR by setting good base backup and WAL shipping setups, with some examples. We will expand the discussion with how to achieve PITR if you have a distributed and sharded Postgres setup by mentioning challenges such as clock differences and ways to overcome them, such as two-phase commit and pg_create_restore_point.