October 25 – 26 , 2021
PGConf.Russia 2021
Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia
PGConf.Russia 2021
PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 700 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 3-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.
- PostgreSQL at the cutting edge of technology: big data, internet of things, blockchain
- New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL ecosystem development
- PostgreSQL in business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
- Integration of PostgreSQL to 1C, GIS and other software application systems.
Архив докладов
Mikhail Tsvetkov Intel
PostgreSQL на новых процессорах Xeon и Optane Persistent Memory
Intel® Xeon® Scalable Gen 3 - new commands have been added to speed up the database: vector bit manipulation instructions to enable data compression without losses, vector instructions to make TLS protocols faster and SGX enclaves for secure code execution. We will also discuss the new generation of persistent memory Intel® Optane™ PMem 200 series. We will explain what these new technologies including oneAPI tools can give to the PostgreSQL project community
Igor Kosenkov Postgres Professional
Что нам стоит КУК построить
Everyone knows very well what a failover cluster PostgreSQL is and how such a cluster protects against failures within the same data center. However, recently, more and more enterprises have placed increased demands on their services, these requirements include disaster tolerance. We call such clusters a GEO-Cluster (KUK). In the report, I will talk about the varieties, principles and approaches to building GEO-Clusters PostgreSQL based on the Corosync/Pacemaker cluster software.
Alexey Sabanov АО "Аладдин Р.Д."AAlexander Dodokhov АО "Аладдин Р.Д."
Безопасность данных при миграции в условиях импортозамещения
Multiple data leaks can occur during data migration. How to protect your sensitive data and stay compliant with the requirements of regulatory institutions? This is what you will learn from my presentation.
Andrei Salnikov Data Egret
Индексы в помощь приложениям.
PostgreSQL could easily be named the master of indexes - there is no other database that could compete with Postgres for the variety of indexes. How developers can use this advantage effectively in their day to day work? How do you know which index to create? When the created index might slow our application’s performance? We will try to get our head around this topic with some use cases and live examples. This talk would be of interest for any developer who wants to expand their knowledge of indexes in Postgres and secure the best performance for their application.
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