

June 20 – 21 , 2022

PGConf.Russia 2022

Radisson Slavyanskaya Business Center, Square of Europe 2, Moscow

PGConf.Russia 2022

PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 700 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 2-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.


  • PostgreSQL technology frontiers for highest workloads, huge databases, mission-critical applications
  • PostgreSQL scalability for transactional and analytical workloads
  • New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL and its ecosystem development
  • PostgreSQL for business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
  • PostgreSQL specific features and their applications: JSON(b), (geo)Spatial data, Full text search
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Архив докладов

PGConf.Russia 2022
  • Иван Чувашов
    Иван Чувашов ООО Calltouch
    22 мин

    How to restore corrupted PostgreSQL data on your hard disc?

    Every DBMS stores its data on a hard disc, so you may face a situation when your data on disc gets corrupted. This can happen due to a controller failure, logical or physical data corruption; there are also other reasons. If it is just the index file that gets corrupted, the index recreation command will enable you to restore data consistency in your DBMS. If a table file or a file of a system section gets corrupted, data restore is impossible. In this case, you need to invent workarounds. You can try to restore this data from backup files, copy it from the corrupted table, or find another way to solve this problem. In this talk, we'll tackle several cases of data corruption on disc and describe the options for restoring the data from the corrupted tables.

  • Alexander Nikitin
    Alexander Nikitin ЗАО ЦФТ
    45 мин

    Updates? Who at all needs your updates?!!

    We'll talk about the ways to change the database records without updates. To do this, we'll explore what's going on at the lowest level and see what can happen if we make changes in data files in different operation modes.

  • N
    Nikita Glukhov Postgres Professional
    Oleg Bartunov
    Oleg Bartunov Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    SQL/JSON committed, what's next?

    In this presentation, we'll talk about the newest SQL/JSON features committed to PostgreSQL 15. We'll explain how to use them, where they can help and why they make a difference. Is PostgreSQL JSON implementation fully compliant with SQL:2016? In the meantime, the next generation of the SQL standard is being developed. What will the new standard include, and how will Postgres respond to it?

  • Dmitry Vagin
    Dmitry Vagin Avito
    45 мин

    Avito: where your classifieds belong

    Previously, we have explained the internals of Avito, discussed, where and how we store your classifieds, and how they appear on the search results. In the recent 3-4 a lot has changed in Avito. We got rid of logical replication, stopped using standby servers for reads, removed nearly all stored procedures and our custom failover solution, migrated all our classifieds into a sharded DBMS, switched from the monolith app to microservices. I'll explain why we made such decisions, list some of the problems we encountered and describe the current state of our development process.

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PGConf.Russia 2022

