

June 20 – 21 , 2022

PGConf.Russia 2022

Radisson Slavyanskaya Business Center, Square of Europe 2, Moscow

PGConf.Russia 2022

PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 700 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 2-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.


  • PostgreSQL technology frontiers for highest workloads, huge databases, mission-critical applications
  • PostgreSQL scalability for transactional and analytical workloads
  • New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL and its ecosystem development
  • PostgreSQL for business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
  • PostgreSQL specific features and their applications: JSON(b), (geo)Spatial data, Full text search
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Архив докладов

PGConf.Russia 2022
  • Виктор Бушмин
    Виктор Бушмин Росгосстрах
    45 мин

    System evolution: from MVP to HighLoad (ex. Insurance App)

    In June 2020, AlfaStrakhovaniye was obliged to use RSA 2.0 government services along with other insurance companies. It was the only way to sell car insurance in Russia. AlfaStrakhovaniye is a leader in car insurance, and its applications degraded under the pressure of calls. It wasn't planned. Postgres used a huge amount of CPU and memory. Nobody could tell what was going on. Degradation started and stopped for no reason. Dev Team and Postgres Pro experts solved that problem. MyBatis in Java services was the killer. Our story is about the development of applications for heavy workloads and technical ignorance while using frameworks.

  • Alexey Borschev
    Alexey Borschev Postgres Professional
    22 мин

    NULLs in Postgres

    This presentation is about NULLs implementation in the Postgres database: - What is NULL? - How is it handled by various Postgres functions? - How are NULLs stored in the database? - Indexing of NULLs

  • Yury Zhukovets
    Yury Zhukovets ЗАО Дилжитал-Дизайн
    22 мин

    Temporary tables as a legacy of the transition from MS SQL. Problems, optimization, approaches

    Usage of temporary tables in PostgreSQL causes additional issues like high server resources consumption and low query performance. However, sometimes you need to rely on them especially when you need to migrate your code from MS SQL, and your initial code employed them, and you had some logic implemented at the database level. This talk covers issues related to usage of temporary tables when migrating from MS SQL, and the ways to resolve them using built-in PostgreSQL features based on the scenarios contained in the code.

  • Aliaksandr Kalenik
    Aliaksandr Kalenik Kontur
    Andrey Borodin
    Andrey Borodin Яндекс
    22 мин

    How we made GiST faster. What’s new in PostGIS 3.2?

    I am going to explain a sorting method added in Postgres 14 that allows to create GiST index much faster. We'll also talk about the disadvantages of this sorting method discovered during implementation of its support in PostGIS and how it will be improved in the future. Also, new features and improvements included in PostGIS 3.2 will be reviewed.

Все доклады


PGConf.Russia 2022

