June 20 – 21 , 2022
PGConf.Russia 2022
Radisson Slavyanskaya Business Center, Square of Europe 2, Moscow
PGConf.Russia 2022
PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 700 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 2-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.
- PostgreSQL technology frontiers for highest workloads, huge databases, mission-critical applications
- PostgreSQL scalability for transactional and analytical workloads
- New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL and its ecosystem development
- PostgreSQL for business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
- PostgreSQL specific features and their applications: JSON(b), (geo)Spatial data, Full text search
Архив докладов
Teodor Sigaev Postgres ProfessionalNikita Malakhov Postgres Professional
Большие значения в PostgreSQL
A modern database should be capable of storing big values. Storing itself is not a big deal, however, operations with big values or fields are a non-trivial task. PostgreSQL has several options for storing big values, but none of them is perfect. How do we respond to this challenge? Our presentation answers this question, let's see how to store big and complex values in Postgres properly, and how operate with them.
Alexey Arustamov Loginom Company
Быстрый ETL для PostgreSQL
Implementation of ETL is one of the first tasks that any PostgreSQL user needs to solve. There is a misconception that low-code tools implementing ETL procedures reduce requirements for the user, but due to sacrificing performance and/or flexibility to this goal. The presentation will demonstrate that it is possible to design ETL procedures quickly and easily without losing productivity. We will explain how high speed is ensured, how PostgreSQL features are used and how the combination of PostgreSQL and low-code platforms allows you to get rid of one of the most frequent user pains.
Andrey Zelensky Береста РК
Методы силового бэкапа крупных СУБД Postgres Pro
The volume of data stored in Postgres Pro databases is growing rapidly. In some organizations, such databases have already exceeded tens of terabytes in size. The existing approaches to backups don't ensure timely backup and restore of data in such cases. We have supplemented the well-known and well-tested Postgres Pro backup tools with functionality that will allow users to backup and restore large databases. In addition to that, we have created our solution with the convenience of DBAs in mind.
Архив фотографий