PGConf.Russia 2023
Talks archive
Alexey Borschev PostgresProEvgeniy Zhukov MMTR Technologies
pg_copydb is a new tool that automates database copy between two running Postgres servers. In this talk we will review the utility, share results of testing and practical use of utility for Postgres database upgrade.
Alexander Nikitin ЗАО «ЦФТ»
Every DBA has in one way or another experienced the situation when PostgreSQL tables and indexes grow significantly in size. While looking for the reason for such behavior, we often conclude that database objects have "bloated". In this talk, we'll discuss the reasons behind bloating, create a testing environment to define the best method to reduce bloating. We'll also compare several anti-bloating utilities and get familiar with one more tool that helps us to efficiently struggle against bloating. We expect this presentation to become helpful for PostgreSQL DBAs of any experience level.
Andrey Zubkov PostgresPro
In this talk I’ll show some new abilities in postgres observability. There will be Graphana visualization of pg_profile/pgpro_pwr data, manual highlighting of interesting objects in pg_profile/pgpro_pwr reports, further development of extended vacuum statistics in PostgresPro releases and a new session and query tracing technique in pgpro_stats extension
Anton Doroshkevich InfoSoft
PostgreSQL backup process in one of the biggest issues you face after switching to PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL has two out-of-the box options for backup and restore, they are dump/restore and pg_basebackup. Both of them have their nuances and peculiarities radically distinguish the backup and recovery system from MS SQL. Another option in the PostgreSQL ecosystem is the pg_probackup utility which is being actively developed and has a number of backup and restore variants offering different features. Each of these options maybe good or not so good for a particular scenario. In this talk, I'd like to cover the nuances, peculiarities and best practices for large databases, hundreds of midsize databases and small database setups.
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