

April 03 – 04 , 2023

PGConf.Russia 2023

PGConf.Russia 2023


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Архив докладов

PGConf.Russia 2023
  • Anatoly Anfinogenov
    Anatoly Anfinogenov АО "ВНИИЖТ"
    22 мин

    Vacuum Therapy: Treatment of Chronic DB Disease

    Three years ago we successfully migrated our application from Oracle DBMS to vanilla PostgreSQL. After that we faced with "childhood" diseases of our application on the new DBMS, which were successfully cured, and some "chronic diseases", which took much longer to deal with. One of the most memorable problems was the problem of DB performance degradation. The source of this problems was insufficient vacuuming of our database. The experience of understanding and solving this problem is offered to your attention in the form of practical recommendations to prevent DB tables and indices bloat and setting up PostgreSQL VACUUM/autovacuum parameters.

  • Василий Тимощенко
    Василий Тимощенко ПКТБ-ЦЦТ ОАО
    45 мин

    Experience of migration a highly loaded system from DB2 for z/OS to PostgresPro in multimaster configuration

    The developer shares his experience of migration a highly loaded system in the field of railway transport from IBM DB2 for z/OS to PostgresPro in a multimaster configuration. The main focus is on the nuances of working with a cluster operating in multimaster mode, what problems had to be faced and how to solve them.

  • Pavel Konotopov
    Pavel Konotopov inCountry
    45 мин

    Five shades of sharding

    The importance of sharding is now colossal. The size of today's databases exceeds 100 terabytes, scaling up vertically, and adding replicas containing a complete physical copy of the database is becoming difficult, especially when computational resources are scarce. Database sharding is a way to scale horizontally by partitioning data between compute nodes that are independent of each other.

    In the PostgreSQL world, there are well-known scaling tools - CitusDB, and Greenplum - as well as new generation solutions - Cockroach DB, Yugabyte DB, SPQR, and Shardman.

    In this talk, we will discuss the difference between these implementations, the advantages, and disadvantages of these solutions, examine the current state of implementation of sharding in vanilla PostgreSQL, and also touch on another important topic - providing data integrity and consistency guarantees across a distributed cluster.

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PGConf.Russia 2023


