PGConf.Russia 2023
Архив докладов
Andrey Rudometov Postgres Professional
Привет, встроенный мультимастер? Сравнение двунаправленной репликации в ваниле и Postgres Pro Multimaster
Since PostgreSQL 9.5 logical replication has replication origin infrastructure for replication progress tracking. Now 16th version is coming with feature which made bi-directional replication setups possible using said infrastructure. In earliest reviews it got a nickname of "native multimaster" for cluster, interconnected with said replication, bearing some resemblance to PostgresPro's Multimaster. We're going to figure out degree of it and explain insides of them. Talk expects you to have a basic knowledge of WAL insides and it's role in PostgreSQL functioning.
Alexandr Burtsev Postgres ProfessionalDarya Lepikhova Postgres Professional
Примеры работы с новым pg_probackup
The developers of pg_probackup will explain how to work with a variety of pg_probackup commands. They will also guide you through making FULL and incremental backups in DELTA, PAGE, and PTRACK modes. Configurations of backup policies for different fields from a hundred of simple DBMSs to large e-commerce and fintech setups will also be demonstrated.
Igor Kosenkov Postgres Professional
Кластер Corosync-Pacemaker. Работа над ошибками
I will talk about the common mistakes when setting up a Corosync-Pacemaker failover cluster. Often these mistakes lead to fatal consequences, and, as a result, to the rejection of the chosen solution in favor of others. Would you like to get a recipe for the "right" cluster?
Юрий Плотников РТК ИТАндрей Григорьев Ростелеком Информационные технологии
История о разработке инструмента управления изменениями в БД или чего нам не хватило в Liquibase и Flyway
We will tell you how we store database objects in the version control system. Then we compare the traditional approaches to manage database migrations and the one we preferred. We will talk about both methods advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we will present our change management solution - pgmig.
Архив фотографий