PGConf.Russia 2023
Архив докладов
Bruce Momjian EnterpriseDB
Beyond Joins and Indexes
My presentation "Explaining the Postgres Query Optimizer" covers the details of query optimization, optimizer statistics, joins, and indexes. This talk covers 40 other operations the optimizer can choose to handle complex queries, large data sets, and to enhance performance. These include merge append, gather, memoize, and hash aggregate. It explains their purpose and shows queries that can generate these operations.
This is a new talk; draft slides are at
Maksim Afinogenov АО "ОКБМ Африкантов"
Опыт портирования базы данных системы управления производством с СУБД Oracle на СУБД PostgresPRO в условиях производственного предприятия
The practice of transferring structure, logic and data from Oracle DBMS to PostgresPro DBMS. Features and main difficulties of migration. Advantages of PostgresPro in terms of porting logic.
Maksim Emelin Postgres Professional
Применение Debezium в качестве инструмента дельта-миграции данных
Delta migration case using Debezium is considered in details as well as the process of change data capture, sinking, applying configurations and load testing.
Andrey Chibuk ООО "ФОРС Телеком"Alexander Liubushkin ООО "ФОРС Телеком"
Как перенести 10Тб из Oracle в Postgres за 24 часа?
We offer to your attention our experience in data migration and the Ora2PgCopy program written in Java for high-speed data transfer from Oracle to Postgres, which is used after creating tables and transferring the program code of application systems. High data transfer speed is provided by using the Postgres command “copy”, using multithreaded Java technology for file processing, managing the nologged/logged table option, and supporting LOB and CLOB data types. According to the test results, Ora2PgCopy works noticeably faster than such analogues as: Ispirer (convertum), oracle_fdw, ora2pg, Pentaho kettle. Ora2PgCopy can function as a module as part of the LUI4ORA2PG migration automation system or independently of it. The history of the growth of the Live Universal Interface (LUI) web application development tool and the LUI4ORA2PG migration tool can be found in previous presentations at PGConf conferences: , ,,,
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