

April 03 – 04 , 2023

PGConf.Russia 2023

PGConf.Russia 2023


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Архив докладов

PGConf.Russia 2023
  • Иван Чувашов
    Иван Чувашов ООО Calltouch
    45 мин

    Практические примеры по оптимизации запросов в PostgeSQL

    In my opinion, every DBA has to deal with "heavy" queries. The question is whether we can do something at all to speed up such query. Is it possible to optimize such queries, or maybe it doesn't make sense? For example, rewriting such query may take much longer than getting any performance gain from this rewritten query. During this talk, I'll tackle several approaches to speeding up queries, and demonstrate some practical examples of optimizations that I use at work.

  • Pavel Konotopov
    Pavel Konotopov inCountry
    45 мин

    Пять оттенков шардинга

    The importance of sharding is now colossal. The size of today's databases exceeds 100 terabytes, scaling up vertically, and adding replicas containing a complete physical copy of the database is becoming difficult, especially when computational resources are scarce. Database sharding is a way to scale horizontally by partitioning data between compute nodes that are independent of each other.

    In the PostgreSQL world, there are well-known scaling tools - CitusDB, and Greenplum - as well as new generation solutions - Cockroach DB, Yugabyte DB, SPQR, and Shardman.

    In this talk, we will discuss the difference between these implementations, the advantages, and disadvantages of these solutions, examine the current state of implementation of sharding in vanilla PostgreSQL, and also touch on another important topic - providing data integrity and consistency guarantees across a distributed cluster.

  • Andrey Borodin
    Andrey Borodin Яндекс.Облако
    45 мин

    Обзор некоторых интересных исторических уязвимостей Postgres

    I'm not a real security expert. But this will help me to do ELI5 explanation of the funniest historical Postgres CVEs.

  • Christopher Travers
    Christopher Travers Independent Community Member
    45 мин

    Crazy things you can do with PostgreSQL Indexes

    Of the relational databases, PostgreSQL is fairly unique in the indexing capabilities it offers. While most of us are familiar with the use of indexes to speed performance when filtering on columns, PostgreSQL indexes can do far more than this.

    This talk will focus on cases where difficult problems were solved through the creative use of indexes. Each of these cases is from an episode in my career.

    In this presentation, you will learn:

    • The general index access methods PostgreSQL supports out of the box
    • How the planner uses indexes (only on a high level)
    • Functional indexes
    • Creative use of Index Only scans.

    This is a talk for all audiences. The talk is primarily for beginner to intermediate users, but should have enough information for more advanced users to get some insight or inspiration from the talk as well.

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PGConf.Russia 2023


