PGConf.SPB 2023
Talks archive
Anton Nemtsev Netrika LLC
A story about practical approaches and tools for automating migration using 2 examples: a database with a structure change in the new version and a database with a significant content of the application's business logic.
Alexandr Burtsev Postgres ProfessionalSof'ya Kopikova PostgresProDarya Lepikhova PostgresPro
We will answer the questions about the importance of compression in backup process. Will show a demo how to use the following available algorithms: pglz, zlib, zstd, lz4 in different editions of pg_probackup. We'll show you how to make incremental backups and restore even faster with PTRACK and CFS (tablespace compression) in Postgres Pro. The plans for further development will also be announced.
Игорь Мельников PostgresPro
Postgres Pro is investing heavily to make it easy for customers to migrate to their database from Oracle Database.
This talk describes in detail the advanced Postgres Pro DBMS technologies designed to solve this problem:
- support for package functionality in PL/pgSQL, including the package initialization section and global package variables;
- ora2pgrpo utility for automatic conversion of package code from Oracle PL/SQL syntax to PL/pgSQL;
- PG Pro Application Info extension designed for instrumentation and monitoring of the state of sessions, including the execution of long operations (session longops) - a functional analogue of the package DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO in Oracle DBMS;
- new system packages UTL_MAIL and UTL_SMTP for sending emails from stored procedures to Postgres Pro DBMS (full functional analogue of the corresponding packages in Oracle DBMS);
- new system package UTL_HTTP for interacting with external sources from stored procedures in Postgres Pro DBMS (analogous to the package of the same name in Oracle DBMS);
Also in this talk there will be a short story about the directions of development of the Postgres Pro DBMS aimed at further simplifying migration from Oracle DBMS.
Vladimir Sitnikov
A talk on how regular™ indexes work in PostgreSQL. The talk will be extremely useful for those who are starting to work with databases, and for those who have worked with them but have forgotten. If the talk hits the golden picks of "must-see onboarding developer", then the goal is achieved.
We will tackle the following subtopics:
- How an index can speed up search;
- Should we index WHERE conditions;
- Should we index ORDER BY statements;
- Should we index foreign keys;
- What to do if search pre-assumes multiple conditions;
- Which column order should be specified in an index;
- Cases when index causes a slow-down and how to reduce its impact on the app.
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