

February 03 – 05 , 2016


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Архив докладов

  • Vladimir Serduk
    Vladimir Serduk SOFTPOINT
    22 мин

    You have a distributed IT system, it has many nodes, BUT it has: - Lack of efficiency of exchange. Delay timing - hours or days? - Interference to users block during the exchange? - Poor handling - all nodes exchange status is not clear; - Low exchange stability, the need for manual control?

    DBReplicaton - the technology of high-speed data exchange between PostgreSQL databases. This report presents a solution that runs in the tens of medium and large companies in Russia (> 2500 active users,> 20 nodes exchange), which has: - Own transport subsystem; - Centralized unified interface and control the exchange; - Bilateral exchanges: the ability to work with data on changes in all nodes involved in the exchange; - High data rate (2 seconds). Additionally, you will learn about the unusual use of replication in a variety of business systems.

  • Dmitry Dolgov
    Dmitry Dolgov Zalando SE
    45 мин

    Jsonb in PostgreSQL and NoSQL trend: comparison and performance

    Schema-less is definitely a trend in the data storage nowadays, and it's not only about NoSQL, but also about traditional RDBMS. Many relational databases (e.g. PostgreSQL, Oracle, db2, Mysql) allow to storing data in the schema-less json format and use their own more or less unique way to do that.

    This talk contains two parts:

    • Comparison of the json support in PostgreSQL and different relational databases, namely Mysql, Oracle, db2, MSSql in terms of supported features, functions and so on.
    • Performance benchmarks for databases with the advanced json support, namely PostgreSQL and Mysql, and the MongoDB on different workload types and configurations.

  • Dmitry Yuhtimovsky
    Dmitry Yuhtimovsky Gilev.ru
    22 мин

  • Michael  Paquier
    Michael Paquier

    PostgreSQL and backups

    A backup is something that no Postgres deployments should go without as it gives the insurance to get back a deployment on its feet should a disaster strike.

    In this talk we will discuss why backups are essential in any sane PostgreSQL deployments (this seems obvious) and what are the different options available to define and set up a good backup strategy. On top of that is discussed how the future of backups would need to be handled, particularly regarding differential backups that gain in popularity among users with large deployments.

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