

February 03 – 05 , 2016


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Архив докладов

  • Lev Laskin
    Lev Laskin Электрон
    22 мин

    Experience in using PostgreSQL as the database platform 1C: Enterprise 8.1 to 8.3

    In late 2006, the 1C company has implemented to work 1C:Enterprise platform with DBMS PostgreSQL, which can operate under the operating systems Windows or Linux. The talks will attempt to summarize the experience of sharing the platform 1C:Enterprise with PostgreSQL database since 2008. Consideration will be given a few success stories, technical features of the work are examples of specific tasks, offers advice on selecting and cons. The talk may be of interest to employees of companies considering the option of using PostgreSQL for the 1C:Enterprise, DBA, professionals interested in the possibility of extensibility PostgreSQL.

  • Bruce Momjian
    Bruce Momjian EnterpriseDB
    45 мин

    Postgres Going in Multiple Directions

    Postgres 9.5 adds many features designed to enhance the productivity of developers: UPSERT, CUBE, ROLLUP, JSONB functions, and PostGIS improvements. For administrators, it has row-level security, a new index type, and performance enhancements for large servers. This talk covers the top ten new features that appeared in the Postgres 9.5 release. It will also cover some of the major focuses for post-9.5 releases.

  • Kevin  Grittner
    Kevin Grittner EnterpriseDB

    Everything about transaction isolation in PostgreSQL for application developer

    Whenever multiple users, processes, or threads are concurrently modifying data which is shared among them, problems can occur if race conditions are not handled somehow. These problems are particularly acute in a database which provide ACID semantics. A set of changes grouped into a database transaction must appear atomically, both to concurrent transactions and in terms of crash recovery. Each transaction must move the database from one consistent state (with regard to business rules) to another. For programming efficiency, each transaction must be able to be coded independently of what other transactions may happen to be running at the same time. In the event of a crash, all modifications made by transactions for which the application was notified of successful completion, and all modifications which had become visible to other transactions, must still be completed upon crash recovery. Over the years, various strategies have been employed to provide these guarantees, and sometimes the guarantees have been compromised in one way or another. This talk will cover the approaches taken to provide these guarantees or compromised variations of them, with an emphasis on the Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) technique available in PostgreSQL (and so far not in any other production product). While SSI already performs faster and with higher concurrency than any other technique for managing race conditions with most common workloads, there are many opportunities for further enhancing performance, some of which would require the assistance of people expert in the various index access methods; these issues will be discussed. The talk will also present some rough ideas about how SSI techniques might be used with XTM in a distributed system.

    Time will be reserved at the end of the talk for group discussion of optimizations and possible application in distributed environments.

  • Юрий Соболев
    Юрий Соболев ООО "МедиаТех"

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