

February 03 – 05 , 2016


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Архив докладов

  • Марат Фаттахов
    Марат Фаттахов АО "БАРС Груп"
    Dmitry Boikov
    Dmitry Boikov АО БАРС Груп
    22 мин

    Портирование облачного решения с Oracle на PostgreSQL: опыт компании "БАРС Груп"

    First working on Oracle, we could not ignore appearance and growth of PostgreSQL. I will describe how we came to PostgreSQL and share some experience of migrating a large medical system.

    • developing a code converter;
    • packages migration;
    • our patches solving some of the migration problems.

  • Alvaro Hernandez
    Alvaro Hernandez 8Kdata
    45 мин

    PostgreSQL и Java: прошлое, настоящее и будущее

    Java is the most used programming language in the world. Yet how is it supported in PostgreSQL? What are the gotchas and the best practices? Now that Java is evolving significantly, how will PostgreSQL follow?

    Despite Java's age, language is stronger than ever. It's the de facto programming language in the enterprise world. And since Java 8, it is having a come back in the startup and open source world. PostgreSQL is accessed more from Java than any other interface but, how's Java supported in PostgreSQL?

    This talk will analyze how it has been in the past, but more importantly how can you use it and what can you do today. JDBC drivers, best practices, pl/java and other less frequently used tools will be presented and discussed.

    And then we will look into the future, to see what is currently under development. Like Phoebe, a new Java Reactive Driver for PostgreSQL that targets clusters, pipelined queries and non-JDBC interface for fully asynchronous operation. And also what needs to be done in areas like server-side Java, to bring Java to a fully advanced first-level language within PostgreSQL.

  • Michael  Paquier
    Michael Paquier

    PostgreSQL и резервное копирование

    A backup is something that no Postgres deployments should go without as it gives the insurance to get back a deployment on its feet should a disaster strike.

    In this talk we will discuss why backups are essential in any sane PostgreSQL deployments (this seems obvious) and what are the different options available to define and set up a good backup strategy. On top of that is discussed how the future of backups would need to be handled, particularly regarding differential backups that gain in popularity among users with large deployments.

  • Алексей Лесовский
    Алексей Лесовский PostgreSQL Consulting LLC
    180 мин
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