

February 03 – 05 , 2020

PgConf.Russia 2020


PgConf.Russia 2020

PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 700 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 3-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.


  • PostgreSQL at the cutting edge of technology: big data, internet of things, blockchain
  • New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL ecosystem development
  • PostgreSQL in business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
  • Integration of PostgreSQL to 1C, GIS and other software application systems.
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Архив докладов

PgConf.Russia 2020
  • Нина Белявская
    Нина Белявская Служба движения ГУП "Мосгортранс"
    22 мин

    Road public transport in Moscow analysis: from PostGIS to MobilityDB

    Moscow public transport vehicles when moving report their coordinates via GLONASS. Collected data is used for various analyses including timetable development, bottlenecks detection and planning the bus lanes. Until recently we used the PostGIS extension for this purpose but now we are switching to a new PG extension — MobilityDB — designed especially for geodata time series processing. I have compared the table size and the performance of our solution without and with MobilityDB and happy to present the results.

  • Andrey Zubkov
    Andrey Zubkov ООО "Пармалогика"
    45 мин

    An easy tool for historical workload analysis in Postgres database - pg_profile

    Any DBA needs some kind of tool for historical workload analyse. Assume once at morning your monitoring team will report of sudden performance degradation at 2-3 a.m., and now you need to investigate this issue. What activities was most resource consuming within that hour? There are several tools for solving this problem, and I'll talk about one very easy and convenient tool - pg_profile. It need only a postgres database and a cron-like tool to run, and it will generate a workload profile report for your database as you need it. Ths report will be a good start point for further investigation.

  • Иван Чувашов
    Иван Чувашов ООО Calltouch
    22 мин

    Migrating data from Oracle to PostgreSQL using the Pentaho tool

    When migrating data from one DBMS to another, the question arises: choose a third-party tool or to program the migration yourself? Companies, trying to grow competencies within themselves, choose the second option. And they come across the "invention of their own bicycles". However, the market has powerful free data migration tools. One such tool is Pentaho Data Integration, part of the Pentaho Community Edition. The report will discuss the use of this package for data migration between Oracle and PostgreSQL. Particular attention will be paid to the problems with using this tool, and to the tasks of testing for the completeness and integrity of migrated data.

    Small video illustration:

  • Pavel Luzanov
    Pavel Luzanov Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    PostgreSQL Certification Program: questions and answers.

    In May 2019 «Postgres Professional» launched the PostgreSQL Certification Program. Now you can not only get training in our courses, but also confirm your knowledge by passing an appropriate set of tests.

    In this presentation, I will share the results of the first months of the program and answer the most frequently asked questions:

    Where can I get information about the certification program?
    PostgreSQL or Postgres Pro certification?
    Certificates for PostgreSQL version 10. When will you upgrade to the current version?
    Do I have to attend training centers?
    Can I pass the test remotely? Not in Moscow?
    Is it possible to take several tests at once in one day?
    How to prepare for the test? Are there any examples of training questions?
    During the test I got an incorrect question, what should I do?
    How to find out exactly which questions the answers were not correct?
    When can I retake after an unsuccessful attempt?
    How to appeal the test results? 

Все доклады


PgConf.Russia 2020



