

February 04 – 06 , 2019

PgConf.Russia 2019

Faculty of Economics, Moscow

PgConf.Russia 2019

PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 500 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 3-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.


  • PostgreSQL at the cutting edge of technology: big data, internet of things, blockchain
  • New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL ecosystem development
  • PostgreSQL in business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
  • Integration of PostgreSQL to 1C, GIS and other software application systems.
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Архив докладов

PgConf.Russia 2019
  • Konstantin Evteev
    Konstantin Evteev X5 FoodTech
    45 мин

    Стендбай в бою

    My talk will be about different cases of usage and setup of the standby server; examples how to setup standby linked to your archive( to make an opportunity to recreate standby from archive after primary crashing and promoting your old standby); Avito experience of usage of standby server for read-only queries: problems and solutions; monitoring of standby.

  • Jignesh Shah
    Jignesh Shah Amazon Web Services
    45 мин

    Глубокое погружение во вселенную RDS PostgreSQL

    In this session we will deep dive into the exciting features of Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, including new versions of PostgreSQL releases, new extensions, larger instances. We will also show benchmarks of new RDS instance types, and their value proposition. We will also look at how high availability and read scaling works on RDS PostgreSQL. We will also explore lessons we have learned managing a large fleet of PostgreSQL instances, including important tunables and possible gotchas around pg_upgrade.

  • Artemy Ryabinkov
    Artemy Ryabinkov Avito
    22 мин

    Практики, особенности и нюансы при работе с Postgres в Go

    In my talk I'll tell you about practices of working with Postgres in the Go-services. I’ll describe general advantages and disadvantages of the basic tools that are commonly used when working with Postgres using Go. Of course, we will touch on the nuances that need to be taken into account when your services are running inside the Kubernetes. I will also talk about Avito’s experience in providing a database of product’s developers. This presentation will be of interest to developers who want to avoid problems when working with Postgres, and will be useful to DBA who want to know what difficulties customers face in their database.

  • Miroslav Šedivý
    Miroslav Šedivý solute GmbH
    45 мин

    Битемпоральность: отслеживание воспроизводимых изменений в PostgreSQL с помощью типа данных RANGE

    So you finally have your database model for your application and you fill it in with current data. How do you keep it up to date? While INSERT may still be transparent, UPDATE and DELETE will overwrite your previous data, so you won't be able to reproduce them. Cloning the whole huge content for each minor update is not an option. For rich and complex data about hundreds of thousands of power generators in Germany and worldwide, I built a model using range data types in recent PostgreSQL which allows me to insert, update and delete data while granting the full access to the whole state of the database at any historical moment. I'll present a very simplified version of the database so the audience will be immediately able to apply it for their cases. I'll also show a few tricks in Python and Psycopg2 that will allow a whole team to prepare, review, and deploy all revisions to this database without merge conflicts. And I'll give a few ideas on how to retrieve this data efficiently.

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PgConf.Russia 2019



