PgConf.Russia 2019
PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 500 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. The 3-day program includes training workshops presented by leading PostgreSQL experts, more than 40 talks, panel discussions and a lightning talk session.
- PostgreSQL at the cutting edge of technology: big data, internet of things, blockchain
- New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL ecosystem development
- PostgreSQL in business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
- Integration of PostgreSQL to 1C, GIS and other software application systems.
Архив докладов
Jignesh Shah Amazon Web Services
Секреты работы со службой Amazon RDS для PostgreSQL
Managed database services are gaining in popularity. In this session we look at how best to configure Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and also look at common user operations of using RDS for PostgreSQL. We will also look beyond common user operations and into some specific optimizations related to upgrade, logical replication, performance, and reducing downtime.
Oleg Bartunov Postgres Professional
Профессиональный постгрес
The famous Russian PostgreSQL developer Oleg Bartunov will open the conference with his report on how and why PostgreSQL has turned from an open source university project into modern industrial grade database.
Dmitry Yuhtimovsky
Магические фокусы с последующим разоблачением (1С+PG)
Magic tricks followed by exposure (1C+PG):
- Focus number one. How to convince the accounting department to buy a new server.
- Focus number two. How to show that MS SQL is faster than PostgreSQL.
- Focus number three. How to show that PostgreSQL is faster than MS SQL Server.
Andrey Borodin Яндекс
Резервные копии с WAL-G. Что там в 2019?
This talk will contain 3 parts: 1. Express PITR setup to the Cloud 2. Latest advancements in WAL-G for backups 3. Why you may need or should avoid this new features, depending on your specifications and workload.
Архив фотографий