

Andrei Nikolayenko
Andrei Nikolayenko Скала-Р
Борис Нейман
Борис Нейман Mellanox
Alexander Korotkov
Alexander Korotkov Postgres Professional
: December
22 мин

Interconnect on steroids for the Skala-SR / Postgres Pro database engine


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  • Marco Slot
    Marco Slot Citus Data
    45 мин

    Towards 1M writes/sec: Scaling PostgreSQL using Citus MX

    Citus allows you to distribute postgres tables across many servers. It extends postgres to transparently delegate or parallelise work across a set of worker nodes, enabling you to scale out the CPU and memory available for queries.

    One year ago, we began a long journey to allow Citus to scale out another dimension: write throughput. With writes being routed through a single postgres node, write throughput in Citus was ultimately bottlenecked on the CPUs of a single node. Citus MX is a new edition of Citus which allows distributed tables to be used from from any of the nodes, enabling NoSQL-like write-scalability.

  • Alvaro Hernandez
    Alvaro Hernandez 8Kdata
    180 мин

    PostgreSQL & Java Tutorial

    Java is one of the most used languages when programming with PostgreSQL databases. Join this tutorial to learn or review the techniques to connect to postgres, best programming practices with JDBC, and to explore jOOQ, a mapper software that allows you to use the full power of SQL and postgres advanced query features while avoiding all the boilerplate code.

    This tutorial is very practical: most of the time will be dedicated to iterate through code samples. It will cover:

    • Introduction to Java and PostgreSQL
    • Ways of connecting to PostgreSQL from Java (not only JDBC!)
    • Introduction to JDBC. JDBC types. PostgreSQL JDBC
    • Code demo: JDBC with PostgreSQL. From Java 1.4 to Java 8, best practices and code samples
    • Code demo: jOOQ, a great mapper for PostgreSQL
    • Java inside PostgreSQL
    • The future of Java and PostgreSQL

    About two-thirds of the tutorial will be dedicated to iterate over code samples and demos. All the code would be available from public open-source repositories and built with maven, so that any attendee may download it and build easily to play with it during the tutorial (although not required).


    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

  • Philip Delgyado
    Philip Delgyado ООО «Лектон»
    22 мин

    Complex structures without ORM

    I love complex knowledge domains, strong typing in applications, and 3NF, but I hate ORM. That is why I’ve been actively storing serialized structures in JSON fields (even before the JSON type was introduced). In this talk, I will tell you about some specifics of storing complex structures within DBMS fields, what problems can arise, and how to cushion the blow.