Растущее признание PostgreSQL в Китае (Huawei и X2)
Recent Update about Postgres Adoption in China. Postgres is getting its momentum in China, especially in 2015, one of the biggest insurance company is adopting Postgres, and Alibaba is providing Postgres service in their public cloud, also there are a lot of significant progress about the adoption. This talk will give an overview about the Postgres adoption in 2015 in China.
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Ivan Panchenko Postgres Professional
Год Профессионального Постгреса в России
A year passed after birth of Postgres Pro, the Russian PostgreSQL company. The talk will describe the main achievements of the year are the future plans, including development, certification, russian documentation translate, education program.
Дмитрий Воронин ОАО "НПО РусБИТех"
Расширенные возможности аудита в СУБД PostgreSQL в дистрибутиве ОС "Astra Linux Special Edition"
The base version of DBMS PostgreSQL can register events bellow: - connect and disconnect - denial of access with date, time and user's name.
Requirements guidelines for audit subsystem is much wider possibilities basic version of database PostgreSQL.
The RusBITech company holds the necessary improvements PostgreSQL database to enhance it's functionality.
A result of improvements audit subsystem of PostgreSQL database as part of the operating system «Astra Linux Special Edition» further enables registration:
- The creation and destruction of database objects;
- Changes to the rules of access control;
- Both failures and successful attempts to access the database objects;
- Changes to the powers and status of subjects access objects access.
For all events are specified: - date and time; - The user performing the action of the registrant; - The object on which the action is carried out; - Type of event; - The result of the operation.
Audit subsystem of modified PostgreSQL is integrated into a centralized audit system OS «Astra Linux Special Edition». Provided the rules setting without stopping the logging (restarting) database.