

Eren Basak
Eren Basak Citus Data
: December
45 мин

Distributed Point-In-Time Recovery with Postgres

Postgres has a nice feature called Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) that would allow you to go back in time. In this talk, we will discuss what are the use-cases of PITR, how to prepare your database for PITR by setting good base backup and WAL shipping setups, with some examples. We will expand the discussion with how to achieve PITR if you have a distributed and sharded Postgres setup by mentioning challenges such as clock differences and ways to overcome them, such as two-phase commit and pg_create_restore_point.



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    Andrey Zubkov ООО "Пармалогика"
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    Historic Workload Reporting Tool for PostgreSQL

    This report is about my PostgreSQL extension pg_profile. This extension all you need to create periodic statistics snapshots and to keep them. You can build a report on one or many serial snapshots. This report will contain statistics information about database workload in specified time period. It is very useful to start investigation on performance degragation or excessive resoure consumption in the past.

  • Alexander Korotkov
    Alexander Korotkov Postgres Professional
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    Pluggable storages

    Pluggable storages is hot subject in PostgreSQL development. The period of heated debates about whether we need them is over. Skepticism about pluggable storages, based on concern that they may be source of inconsistent behavior, was weakened after criticism of PostgreSQL MVCC implementation from Uber side. It became widely understandable that pluggable storages are needed at least for an alternative MVCC implementation. And that is one of way-points for pluggable storages interface design.

    At the moment, work on pluggable storages is in the practical stage. There is a thread is pgsql-hackers where few people are developing patchset and several people are doing review.

    This talk will cover following subjects:

    • overview of pluggable storages interface;
    • changes in PostgreSQL core required to implement this interface;
    • current and potential implementations of pluggable storages including heap with undo-log and in-memory OLTP engine;
    • current state of patchset and prospective of its commit
    • further development of interface allowing more possibilities in pluggable storages (columnar, index-organized, LSM and so on).

  • Michael Balayan
    Michael Balayan Acronis
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    MVCC in pictures and when long transactions create problems

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  • Dmitriy Sarafannikov
    Dmitriy Sarafannikov Яндекс
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    How to save statistics during major update, and what can be the consequences

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