

Ivan Frolkov
Ivan Frolkov Postgres Professional
11:45 05 February
90 мин

pgpro_scheduler and cryptocurrency transactions

Apart from its main purpose of scheduling tasks, pgpro_scheduler can also deal with chained transactions. It can be used in various scenarios of asynchronous data processing.

This tutorial demonstrates pgpro_scheduler features that ensure secure processing of chained transactions. We'll be using cryptocurrency transactions as an example.

pgpro_scheduler is included into Postgres Pro Enterprise as an extension.



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    In order to take most out of the Patroni tutorial one needs a laptop with git, vagrant and virtual box installed.

    Vagrant can be obtained from https://www.vagrantup.com Virtualbox is at https://www.vagrantup.com

    Alternatively, one can install your Linux distribution packages (or use homebrew on Mac).

    Once Vagrant and Virtualbox are installed one can run the Patroni VM by issuing the following commands:

    $ git clone https://github.com/alexeyklyukin/patroni-training
    $ cd patroni-training
    $ vagrant up

    When the setup concludes Patroni box can be accessed via ssh using vagrant ssh command.