

Kamil Islamov
Kamil Islamov Stickeroid Ai
15:15 06 February
22 мин

CTE Queries Usage for Business Logic

Wide usage of Common Table Expression queries considered as a core paradigm for implementing the Business Logic for high loaded web applications development based on PostgreSQL functions.



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    2. Evaluation of hypothetical indexes and their impact on query plans.
    3. The most common errors in 1C-programming.
    4. Basic methods of code refactoring, taking into account the features of PostgreSQL.
    5. Storing analytical information from the PostgreSQL log to assess the quality of refactoring

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    Алексей Лесовский PostgreSQL Consulting LLC
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    Troubleshooting in Postgres with pgCenter

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    • reveal too heavy queries;
    • and other tips and tricks of pgCenter.