The performance problems related migrations from PL/SQL to PL/pgSQL
Porting applications from Oracle to Postgres is common work today. Unfortunately it is not without problems. In presentation I'll try to show the basic performance problems related to differences between Oracle and Postgres and PL/SQL and PL/pgSQL.
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Álvaro Hernández OnGres
Kubernetes crash course for Postgres DBAs
Kubernetes is the new way of deploying software, programmatically, on almost any infrastructure (be it cloud or on-prem). But is a complex beast. How to get started? How to dive deeper? What are the specific best-practices and special hints for Postgres DBAs dealing with Kubernetes? Join this half-day tutorial to learn, practically, among other topics:
- How to quickly get started with Kubernetes
- Manage storage
- Manage services, networking and ingress/egress
- How to make Postgres cloud-native in Kubernetes
- Do a show-run of existing Postgres operators, including Zalando, CrunchyData and StackGres.
This tutorial is very practical. BYOL! (Bring Your Own Laptop). With Kubernetes installed! (check microk8s, minikube or k3s if you don’t have any installed.
Oleg Bartunov Postgres Professional
Энциклопедия полнотекстового поиска
PostgreSQL built-in full text search gives unique possibilities inaccessible for external search engines, such as virtual or generated document search and search with access restrictions. I will talk about these and other features, full text search configuration, indexes, and highlight the latest advances and future expectations
Tatiana Krupenya DBeaver CorpССергей Ридер DBeaver Corp
Как подключиться к облачному серверу PostgresQL в условиях высоких требований к безопасности.
Sometimes it maybe a very tricky just to establish a connection with your remote database. Especially if your working place is in highly secured corporate environment and your database server is in highly secured remote cloud.
We will talk about bypassing SSH, SSL, jump servers, proxy servers, VPNs and various SSO (Kerberos/SSPI/LDAP/Active Directory) authentication systems in order to access your PostgreSQL database using console or rich UI interface and JDBC. We will describe different use cases - from trivial and typical to insane and over-secured.
Andrey Zubkov ООО "Пармалогика"
Пример использования GiST в решении нестандартной поисковой задачи
I'll show an example of solving the problem of searching "similar" texts for one given text in big array using GiST index. The problem itself is not much important, but it is easy to understand. Using this problem as example, I'll show one of many methods of adapting GiST index for custom search problems. Maybe this talk will help you to solve other search problems.