

Christopher Travers
Christopher Travers DeliveryHero SE
13:00 26 October
45 мин

Почему методика Crew Resource Management должна применяться в СУБД-командах?

Crew Resource Management is a field which has become critical in many fields including aviation and nuclear power. However in IT, this field has not been well implemented. In this talk we will discuss what crew resource management is, what kinds of problems it solves, and why all database teams should implement it.

Several PostgreSQL-related case studies will be discussed and both technical and human factors will be part of the case studies.



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    Nikita Glukhov
    Nikita Glukhov Postgres Professional
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    Элегантный поиск ближайших соседей в PostgreSQL

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    PG_QUERY_STATE: Всё о внутренней жизни ваших запросов

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