

Bruce Momjian
Bruce Momjian EDB
15:40 21 June
45 мин

Возможности PostgreSQL 15


Видео доступно участникам мероприятия, выполнившим вход в личный кабинет

Другие доклады

  • Alexey Fadeev
    Alexey Fadeev Sibedge
    22 мин

    Сборка plv8: от архива с бинарниками до компактного докер-образа

    The plv8 extension is very underestimated, though it can help simplify development for a variety of tasks. It's been a year since we started using this extension in our projects. The main reason for its low popularity is the complexity of building. Moreover, building plv8 requires a lot of traffic and disc space for temporary files. That's why we decided to build plv8 and provide ready-made binaries freely to anyone interested, not just as an offering for our customers. First, we made the binaries available on GitHub. Then we created a Docker image for Postgres with pre-installed plv8 based on Debian. It looked too heavy to us, and we decided to check Alpine, however, building it for Alpine appeared to be more complicated than we expected. I'll explain what difficulties we faced and how we managed to overcome them. I will also list the tasks that can be solved with plv8 and provide advice on how to make the development process more convenient. I will also share the links to our Docker images for the latest Postgres 13 and Postgres 14 releases, that are compact and can be used for any types of tasks.

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    Denis Volkov Яндекс
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    SPQR - легковесное шардирование

    SPQR is a lightweight OLTP sharding solution written in Go. In this talk, I'm going to discuss design decisions that led us through FDW-based sharding, CustomNode-based sharding, C-implemented lightweight query routing, and finally to SPQR design.

  • A
    Alexander Bychkov ООО "Эльбрус-2000"
    Николай Глазков ООО "Эльбрус-2000"
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    Миграция учетной системы ФГУП «Госкорпорация по ОрВД» с СУБД Oracle на Postgres Pro

    This talk covers the Oracle-to-Postgres Pro migration project for the billing system of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Air Traffic Management Corporation of the Russian Federation” employed to collect the air navigation charges for the use of airspace.

  • Alexander Liubushkin
    Alexander Liubushkin ООО "ФОРС Телеком"
    Rustam Abdrakhimov
    Rustam Abdrakhimov ООО Форс-Телеком
    45 мин

    Опыт применения Live Universal Interface (LUI) и PostgreSQL в создании системы аналитической отчётности

    The talk covers the use of PostgreSQL, LUI and LUI4ORA2PG for building an analytical reporting system.

    The talk tackles the following topics:

    • migration from an Oracle environment;
    • application of JSON functions;
    • how the temporary tables helped us;
    • our own means for load testing and bottlenecks detection;
    • how to make beautiful GeoJSON format maps to display diagrams on them;
    • installation and testing of the system on an "Elbrus" computer;
    • what became an obstacle or was missing when using PostgreSQL.

    The history of growth of the Live Universal Interface (LUI) web application development tool and the LUI4ORA2PG migration tool can be found in our previous presentations at PGConf conferences:

    https://pgconf.ru/2019/118109 ;

    https://pgconf.ru/201911/264095 ;

    https://pgconf.ru/2020/262456 ;

    https://pgconf.ru/2021/288310 .