

Bruce Momjian
Bruce Momjian EDB
: December
45 мин

Upcoming PostgreSQL 15 Features


Видео доступно участникам мероприятия, выполнившим вход в личный кабинет

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    Looking at the modern PostgreSQL ecosystem as an Oracle DBA

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    Mikhail Moscovskiy Postgres Professional
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    Physical replication speed in PostgreSQL

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  • Vladimir Surdin
    Vladimir Surdin МГУ
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  • Alexandra Kuznetsova
    Alexandra Kuznetsova Postgres Professional
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    Mamonsu monitoring agent: a brief tutorial

    Mamonsu is an active monitoring agent for PostgresSQL based on Zabbix. We are actively developing the agent: there are new unique metrics and visualization capabilities. But in addition to metrics collecting mechanism, Mamonsu has other useful features. I am going to briefly describe these features also known as "Mamonsu tools", the agent's advantages and the installation process.