

Alexey Fadeev
Alexey Fadeev Sibedge
11:05 03 April
22 мин

ORM LinqToDb: how to make the most out of Postgres

ORM libraries are widely used in backend development – let's take this for granted. ORM libraries are improving, developers are learning from their own and others' mistakes, and many have learned to write code for ORM that generates quite optimal queries for typical operations. Yet, limited functionality of existing tools is another problem related to ORM. This is especially true for Postgres, which has a lot of operators and constructs (both in the core and in extensions) that go beyond the SQL standard.

With LinqToDb ORM library you can write extensions that implement any SQL operator or construct very easy, literally using just one line. Full-text search, KNN, CTE (including recursive ones), working with arrays and jsonb, array_agg and jsonb_object_agg, table functions and LATERAL JOIN - all this can be easily used in ORM, which I will demonstrate during this talk!




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