

Anton Doroshkevich
Anton Doroshkevich ИнфоСофт
13:35 03 April
45 мин

Tips and tricks for PostgreSQL operations for 1C

As we have large 1C+PostgreSQL database setups, questions often arise, the answers to which are not so easy to find even in the documentation. I would like to share my experience in solving such issues gained during several migrations of 1C from MS SQL to PostgreSQL made for clients from the RBC500 rating. This talk will cover the following points: How in-depth your statistics should be and why it can be dangerous? How can the creation of an explicit and implicit temporary table provoke the DBMS server downtime and how can we avoid it? In what case will the DBMS process be killed by the operating system due to overuse of RAM and what to do about it? Why having one database per cluster is good and why having multiple databases on one DBMS cluster is bad? If we are stick to the "1 cluster = 1 database" approach, what about server resources for test and development environments? Backups in PostgreSQL: what backup options we have




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