

Tatsuo  Ishii
Tatsuo Ishii
: December

PostgreSQL clusters using streaming replication and pgpool-II

The talk is about PostgreSQL clusters using streaming replication and pgpool-II, which are quite popular in Japan. Plus, the next version of pgpool-II will be released this winter, so the talk will be about what's new in the version.



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  • Vladimir Serduk
    Vladimir Serduk SOFTPOINT
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    You have a distributed IT system, it has many nodes, BUT it has: - Lack of efficiency of exchange. Delay timing - hours or days? - Interference to users block during the exchange? - Poor handling - all nodes exchange status is not clear; - Low exchange stability, the need for manual control?

    DBReplicaton - the technology of high-speed data exchange between PostgreSQL databases. This report presents a solution that runs in the tens of medium and large companies in Russia (> 2500 active users,> 20 nodes exchange), which has: - Own transport subsystem; - Centralized unified interface and control the exchange; - Bilateral exchanges: the ability to work with data on changes in all nodes involved in the exchange; - High data rate (2 seconds). Additionally, you will learn about the unusual use of replication in a variety of business systems.

  • Konstantin Knignik
    Konstantin Knignik Postgres Professional

    Distributed transaction manager for PostgreSQL cluster

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