Scaling out PostgreSQL for data intensive workloads
This talk will present pg_shard, a new PostgreSQL extension for sharding and transparently scaling out PostgreSQL tables for real-time insert, update, delete and select commands across many machines. This extension opens up PostgreSQL to a range of applications for which NoSQL databases were more suitable until now. We are sharing this extension with the PostgreSQL community as an open source project.
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Сергей Муравьёв
Выбор СУБД для информационных систем специального назначения
Methodology and results of comparative testing of various databases capable to solve the problem of independence of foreign vendors, will be presented.
Michael Paquier
Overview of the new features of PostgreSQL 9.5
Let's have a first look at the new and upcoming features in the 9.5 release. This talk shows up what are the new features, what they do, giving plenty reasons to plan an upgrade to this new major version.
Tatsuo Ishii SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
Развитие сообщества и рынка PostgreSQL в Японии
Japan has one of the largest PostgreSQL community and market in the world. PostgreSQL Users Group was formed in 1999 and it has over thousand of community members. The PostgreSQL market share is pretty high comparing with other countries: almost same as MySQL. In this talk I explain why PostgreSQL is so popular in Japan and what are the key factors to promote PostgreSQL from both social and technical aspects.