

Eugeniy Tyumentcev
Eugeniy Tyumentcev ООО "Здравствуй мир! Технологии"
09:30 05 February
22 мин

Об опыте применения JSONB в реальных проектах

We will consider the advantages and disadvantages of solutions based on JSONB compared to traditional relational approach on real projects, including: 1. Performance 2. Data Versioning 3. Scalability 4. Reliability 5. Report building



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    Andres Freund Citus Data
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    • The buffer mapping table is organized as a hash table, which makes efficient implementations of prefetching, write coalescing, dropping of cache contents hard
    • Relation extension scales badly
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    In this talk, we'll cover:

    • why Postgres is attractive to run as a cloud service
    • how to provision, manage, and monitor a Postgres fleet
    • tradeoffs needed to make Postgres work in this environment
    • automating failure recovery
    • and more