Расширенные возможности аудита в СУБД PostgreSQL в дистрибутиве ОС "Astra Linux Special Edition"
The base version of DBMS PostgreSQL can register events bellow: - connect and disconnect - denial of access with date, time and user's name.
Requirements guidelines for audit subsystem is much wider possibilities basic version of database PostgreSQL.
The RusBITech company holds the necessary improvements PostgreSQL database to enhance it's functionality.
A result of improvements audit subsystem of PostgreSQL database as part of the operating system «Astra Linux Special Edition» further enables registration:
- The creation and destruction of database objects;
- Changes to the rules of access control;
- Both failures and successful attempts to access the database objects;
- Changes to the powers and status of subjects access objects access.
For all events are specified: - date and time; - The user performing the action of the registrant; - The object on which the action is carried out; - Type of event; - The result of the operation.
Audit subsystem of modified PostgreSQL is integrated into a centralized audit system OS «Astra Linux Special Edition». Provided the rules setting without stopping the logging (restarting) database.
Другие доклады
Ivan Goncharov IBM
Почему IBM Power8 - оптимальная платформа для PostgreSQL
Architecture features of IBM Power 8 allowing to gain high performance in comparison with x86_64. CPU, memory, IO etc. Experience of real benchmarking.
Kevin Grittner EnterpriseDB
Всё об изоляции транзакций в PostgreSQL для разработчиков приложений
Whenever multiple users, processes, or threads are concurrently modifying data which is shared among them, problems can occur if race conditions are not handled somehow. These problems are particularly acute in a database which provide ACID semantics. A set of changes grouped into a database transaction must appear atomically, both to concurrent transactions and in terms of crash recovery. Each transaction must move the database from one consistent state (with regard to business rules) to another. For programming efficiency, each transaction must be able to be coded independently of what other transactions may happen to be running at the same time. In the event of a crash, all modifications made by transactions for which the application was notified of successful completion, and all modifications which had become visible to other transactions, must still be completed upon crash recovery. Over the years, various strategies have been employed to provide these guarantees, and sometimes the guarantees have been compromised in one way or another. This talk will cover the approaches taken to provide these guarantees or compromised variations of them, with an emphasis on the Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) technique available in PostgreSQL (and so far not in any other production product). While SSI already performs faster and with higher concurrency than any other technique for managing race conditions with most common workloads, there are many opportunities for further enhancing performance, some of which would require the assistance of people expert in the various index access methods; these issues will be discussed. The talk will also present some rough ideas about how SSI techniques might be used with XTM in a distributed system.
Time will be reserved at the end of the talk for group discussion of optimizations and possible application in distributed environments.
Anastasia Lubennikova Postgres Professional
Новые возможности B-tree в PostgreSQL
B-tree is the most widely used index type in PostgreSQL. This data structure and concerned algorithms are developed about forty years ago. But there is still an area for optimisations. In this presentation I'm going to talk about B-tree data structure, and its features important for the optimal index usage. Furthermore, I'll present a couple of new features which are expected to be included in PostgreSQL 9.6 release.
Alvaro Hernandez 8Kdata
PostgreSQL и Java: прошлое, настоящее и будущее
Java is the most used programming language in the world. Yet how is it supported in PostgreSQL? What are the gotchas and the best practices? Now that Java is evolving significantly, how will PostgreSQL follow?
Despite Java's age, language is stronger than ever. It's the de facto programming language in the enterprise world. And since Java 8, it is having a come back in the startup and open source world. PostgreSQL is accessed more from Java than any other interface but, how's Java supported in PostgreSQL?
This talk will analyze how it has been in the past, but more importantly how can you use it and what can you do today. JDBC drivers, best practices, pl/java and other less frequently used tools will be presented and discussed.
And then we will look into the future, to see what is currently under development. Like Phoebe, a new Java Reactive Driver for PostgreSQL that targets clusters, pipelined queries and non-JDBC interface for fully asynchronous operation. And also what needs to be done in areas like server-side Java, to bring Java to a fully advanced first-level language within PostgreSQL.