

Dmitry Yuhtimovsky
Dmitry Yuhtimovsky Gilev.ru
: December
22 мин


PGConf1602_Дмитрий Юхтимовский.pptx


Другие доклады

  • Eugeniy Tyumentcev
    Eugeniy Tyumentcev ООО "Здравствуй мир! Технологии"
    22 мин

    Using JSONB in Real Projects

    We will consider the advantages and disadvantages of solutions based on JSONB compared to traditional relational approach on real projects, including: 1. Performance 2. Data Versioning 3. Scalability 4. Reliability 5. Report building

  • Guangzhou  Zhang
    Guangzhou Zhang AliBaba

    Alibaba and PostgreSQL

    Alibaba has provided a relational database service (RDS) for postgres in our public cloud platform (aliyun.com, the currently biggest public cloud in China). We are also enabling internal applications to use postgres in our other internet business and we can share our experience

  • Jean-Paul Argudo
    Jean-Paul Argudo Dalibo

    Migration to PostgreSQL : reasons... and consequences

    The talk will be articulated around all the traditional arguments to "how chose PostgreSQL over other choices in the database domain"... But also, and that's quite new in the comunity, what are the consequences of this choice. Because the PostgreSQL adoption brings adoption of other things like Linux, but also, Open Source thinking, the fast pace of PostgreSQL will command new methods of validation the company must adapt to... etc.

  • Gregory Stark
    Gregory Stark
    45 мин

    Sorting Through the Ages

    When new versions of Postgres are released most of the attention is focused on new features. Inevitably a release note claiming speed improvements seems relatively mundane and doesn't provide the compelling argument for upgrading. However the reality is that these speed improvements represent pain points that have been identified and solved.

    Reviewing the changes to the sort code in Postgres over the last 10 years clearly shows the kinds of problems users have run into. As usage patterns changed over years, databases scaled up, and hardware changed new problems arose and drove further development to solve them.

    Upcoming changes in 9.5 and 9.6 will dramatically change the experience further. Making sorting UTF8 and other encodings less of a problem and handling scaling to larger machines with many processors and memory cache more effectively.