

Lev Laskin
Lev Laskin Электрон
18:00 04 February
22 мин

Опыт использования PostgreSQL в качестве СУБД для платформы 1С:Предприятие от 8.1 до 8.3

In late 2006, the 1C company has implemented to work 1C:Enterprise platform with DBMS PostgreSQL, which can operate under the operating systems Windows or Linux. The talks will attempt to summarize the experience of sharing the platform 1C:Enterprise with PostgreSQL database since 2008. Consideration will be given a few success stories, technical features of the work are examples of specific tasks, offers advice on selecting and cons. The talk may be of interest to employees of companies considering the option of using PostgreSQL for the 1C:Enterprise, DBA, professionals interested in the possibility of extensibility PostgreSQL.



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