

Ильдар Мусин
Ильдар Мусин Postgres Professional
18:30 04 February
22 мин

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Другие доклады

  • Alvaro Hernandez
    Alvaro Hernandez 8Kdata
    45 мин

    PostgreSQL и Java: прошлое, настоящее и будущее

    Java is the most used programming language in the world. Yet how is it supported in PostgreSQL? What are the gotchas and the best practices? Now that Java is evolving significantly, how will PostgreSQL follow?

    Despite Java's age, language is stronger than ever. It's the de facto programming language in the enterprise world. And since Java 8, it is having a come back in the startup and open source world. PostgreSQL is accessed more from Java than any other interface but, how's Java supported in PostgreSQL?

    This talk will analyze how it has been in the past, but more importantly how can you use it and what can you do today. JDBC drivers, best practices, pl/java and other less frequently used tools will be presented and discussed.

    And then we will look into the future, to see what is currently under development. Like Phoebe, a new Java Reactive Driver for PostgreSQL that targets clusters, pipelined queries and non-JDBC interface for fully asynchronous operation. And also what needs to be done in areas like server-side Java, to bring Java to a fully advanced first-level language within PostgreSQL.

  • Vladimir  Sitnikov
    Vladimir Sitnikov Pgjdbc, JMeter committer
    22 мин

    PostgreSQL и JDBC: выжимаем все соки

    Common Java wisdom is to use PreparedStatements and Batch DML in order to achieve top performance. It turns out one cannot just blindly follow the best practices. In order to get high throughput, you need to understand the specifics of the database in question, and the content of the data.

    In the talk we will see how proper usage of PostgreSQL protocol enables high performance operation while fetching and storing the data. We will see how trivial application and/or JDBC driver code changes can result in dramatic performance improvements. We will examine how server-side prepared statements should be activated, and discuss pitfalls of using server-prepared statements.

  • Илья Космодемьянский
    Илья Космодемьянский Data Egret
    180 мин
  • Fabio Telles Rodriguez
    Fabio Telles Rodriguez Timbira
    45 мин

    Высокий уровень параллелизма в Postgres: Банк Бразилии в реальной жизни

    Challenges and solutions found in documents dematerialization and bank cheque processing system used in the Bank of Brazil.