Linux VMM для разрабочиков СУБД
We'll discuss how does Linux work with virtual memory. The following topics will be covered: * x86-64 page table, context switch and page fault; * internals of virtual memory management (VMM) in Linux; * page eviction methods in Linux, page cache and anonymous pages; * huge and gigantic pages, transparent huge pages; * how mmap(2) works and what madvise(2), msync(2) etc. provide; * why large databases don't use mmap(2), but rather implement buffer pool on their own; * ans surely how to tune Linux VMM using sysctl.
Другие доклады
Anastasia Lubennikova Postgres Professional
Новые возможности B-tree в PostgreSQL
B-tree is the most widely used index type in PostgreSQL. This data structure and concerned algorithms are developed about forty years ago. But there is still an area for optimisations. In this presentation I'm going to talk about B-tree data structure, and its features important for the optimal index usage. Furthermore, I'll present a couple of new features which are expected to be included in PostgreSQL 9.6 release.
Марат Фаттахов АО "БАРС Груп"Dmitry Boikov АО БАРС Груп
Портирование облачного решения с Oracle на PostgreSQL: опыт компании "БАРС Груп"
First working on Oracle, we could not ignore appearance and growth of PostgreSQL. I will describe how we came to PostgreSQL and share some experience of migrating a large medical system.
- developing a code converter;
- packages migration;
- our patches solving some of the migration problems.
Григорий Хромов MyAsterisk