

Марат Фаттахов
Марат Фаттахов АО "БАРС Груп"
Dmitry Boikov
Dmitry Boikov АО БАРС Груп
: December
22 мин

Porting a cloud solution from Oracle to Postgres

First working on Oracle, we could not ignore appearance and growth of PostgreSQL. I will describe how we came to PostgreSQL and share some experience of migrating a large medical system.

  • developing a code converter;
  • packages migration;
  • our patches solving some of the migration problems.


Бойков.Фаттахов. Портирование МИС на PG.pptx


Другие доклады

  • Konstantin Knignik
    Konstantin Knignik Postgres Professional

    Distributed transaction manager for PostgreSQL cluster

    Enterprises need enterprise-level databases. The existing Postgres clustering solutions are not supported by the community. Postgres needs a community-supported cluster solution. There have been multiple attempts like Postgres-XC/XL, but they are still being developed separately and have low chance to be accepted by the community. Other solutions, like pg_shard, plproxy, FDW-based, etc. lack the notion of global transactions. We developed a Distributed Transaction Manager (DTM) as a Postgres extension to achieve global consistency over a number of Postgres instances. To demonstrate the capabilities of the DTM we present examples of distributed transaction processing using pg_shard and postgres_fdw. We hope that the proposed approach will be included into Postgres 9.6. This will make the development of the clustering solutions easier for all interested parties.

  • Tatsuo  Ishii
    Tatsuo Ishii

    PostgreSQL clusters using streaming replication and pgpool-II

    The talk is about PostgreSQL clusters using streaming replication and pgpool-II, which are quite popular in Japan. Plus, the next version of pgpool-II will be released this winter, so the talk will be about what's new in the version.

  • Nikolai Shaplov
    Nikolai Shaplov Postgres Professional
    90 мин

  • Marco Slot
    Marco Slot Citus Data

    CitusDB: an extension for Scaling out PostgreSQL

    CitusDB is an extension for PostgreSQL that can distribute tables across a cluster of PostgreSQL servers. Data is stored in shards that can use append-partitioning for bulk-loading of time series data or hash-partitioning for real-time data ingestion. SELECT queries on distributed tables are transparently parallelised across the cluster, using all available cores. Distributed tables can also be joined in parallel, even if they are not partitioned along the same column. CitusDB is especially suitable for real-time analytics use-cases such as dashboards which require fast analytical queries over live data, and can simultaneously act as a scalable operational database. This talk will describe the internals of CitusDB and give a live demo of a large-scale CitusDB cluster.