

Илья Космодемьянский
Илья Космодемьянский Data Egret
: December
180 мин

Tuning OS and hardware of PostgreSQL



Другие доклады

  • Magnus  Hagander
    Magnus Hagander PostgreSQL Global Development Group

    Evolution of the PostgreSQL community

    Unlike most other databases, PostgreSQL is developed by a community, and not by a company or even a foundation. Those who have been members of this community for a long time generally consider this a strength, but it can often be confusing to outsiders who are more used to dealing with traditional organization. For those who are not already on the inside, this talk will give an introduction to how the PostgreSQL community works and how the different parties interact, as well as how this has evolved over the years.

  • Евгений Сергеев
    Евгений Сергеев
    45 мин

  • Boris Veryugin
    Boris Veryugin ООО "Диасофт Платформа"
    45 мин

    Automated migration of applications from proprietary DBMS to PostgreSQL

    Diasoft Platform company's technology solutions for migration of applications from proprietary DBMS (on the examples of Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server) to PostgreSQL will be presented in the talk. These solutions are implemented in Diasoft Database Adapter software.

    Our technology solutions allow to automate: 1) migration of database schema (including translation of stored procedure and function code); 2) migration of data; 3) migration of client applications without any change in their source code.