

Dmitry Melnik
Dmitry Melnik ИСП РАН
: December
22 мин

Dynamic Compilation of SQL Queries in PostgreSQL Using LLVM JIT

Currently, to execute SQL queries PostgreSQL uses interpreter, which implements Volcano-style iteration model. At the same time it’s possible to get significant speedup by dynamically JIT-compiling query “on-the-fly”. In this case it’s possible to generate code that is specialized for given SQL query, and perform compiler optimizations using the information about table structure and data types that is already known at run time. This approach is especially important for complex queries, which performance is CPU-bound.


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    Pavel Luzanov Postgres Professional
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    Tools for server code debugging, profiling, and tracing

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    PostgreSQL offers various tools (both built-in and external) for these purposes.

    In this talk, we will provide an overview of the available tools and their advantages and disadvantages, as well as a detailed demo of their use cases.

    This talk is a part of a basic course for backend application developers (DEV1), which “Postgres Professional” company plans to announce in the near future.

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    Buit-in Sharding update and future

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