Лок, лок – дедлок!
< Query failed: ERROR: deadlock detected < DETAIL: Process 17371 waits for ShareLock on transaction 102733872; Blocked by process. < Process 10414 waits for ShareLock on transaction 102733874; Blocked by process 17371.
Such "unpleasant" messages from the server can seriously puzzle the developer. When working with locks, in particular, with transactions in general, it is necessary to take into account the features of the implementation of client libraries, which can cause the above exception.
In the short talk, the mechanics of the interaction of locks will be explained, main attention being paid to causes of deadlocks. References to the relevant documentation pages will be given. A technique of "bypassing" this problem of concurrent data access will be described and illustrated with some generalized examples from practice are shown. The talk will be interesting to database developers and administrators as well as the client-side application developers.
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