Адаптивная оптимизация запросов в PostgreSQL
Query optimization is an important problem, which solution has a great influence on DBMS performance, especially for complex queries. In this talk we consider PostgreSQL query optimizer and specifically cardinality estimation problem for correlated clauses, which is one of the most well-known drawbacks of query optimizers in general. In the talk we propose our solution for this problem which involves machine learning methods and is available for PostgreSQL 9.6 as an extension with a patch. We discuss the experimental evaluation, advantages, disadvantages, and fields of application of the proposed approach as well.
Другие доклады
Dmitry Grebenshchikov Диасофт Платформа
Dmitry Vasilyev Postgres Professional
Mamonsu - швейцарский нож для управления и мониторинга PostgreSQL
This tutorial shows how to properly monitor PostgreSQL. We will discuss the mamonsu utility, see how to configure it, examine its hidden features and learn how to extend them.
Markus Nullmeier University of Heidelberg
Оптимизация запросов к данным типа “множество” с помощью индексов GIN, GiST, и пользовательских расширений для индексирования
Sets are apparently a useful data type for many kinds of applications. While PostgreSQL offers no built-in set data type, sets may be emulated to some degree with its built-in array and JSONB data types. Also, acceleration of respective containment (subset) queries is readily available as a built-in feature of the GIN index type.
Starting with the above, we will then explore the performance gains enabled by custom set data types, and especially by customisation code in C ("operator classes") for the GIN and GiST index types.
Peter van Hardenberg Heroku
История Postgres
The PostgreSQL community is over 20 years old, but the history of PostgreSQL dates back even farther. In this talk, we'll learn about the roots of the Postgres project, learn about some of the people who contribute to it, study how it has changed over time, and pay special attention to the many contributions of Russian people.