

Arthur Zakirov
Arthur Zakirov Postgres Professional
Teodor Sigaev
Teodor Sigaev Postgres Professional
: December
90 мин

Full text search capabilities in PostgreSQL

Full text search in PostgreSQL is probably the most advanced one among relational DBMS. This tutorial will explain how to setup full text search configurations and dictionaries and how to build a ful text search system using an example of a simple popular science web site, with demonstration of various ranking functions. Also I will tell about new RUM index, which allows to accelerate execution of some kinds of full text queries and implements a new improved ranking function.



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    < Query failed: ERROR: deadlock detected
    < DETAIL: Process 17371 waits for ShareLock on transaction 102733872; Blocked by process.
    < Process 10414 waits for ShareLock on transaction 102733874; Blocked by process 17371.

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