Особенности мониторинга и траблшутинга высоконагруженной БД PostgreSQL
A database is one of the key components in any information system, requiring the monitoring of multiple metrics. The talk highlights examples and approaches of monitoring and analysis of PostgreSQL performance that allow to minimize the load on the database server from the monitoring and data collection system for the subsequent analysis of problem situations.
- Quantum effects or as an observer affect the observed system
- Features of collecting metrics while monitoring the database with Zabbix
- Data collection for analytics and visualization PostgreSQL queries with rsyslog + kafka + clickhouse + grafana
- Operational Analysis Tools for DB loglile
Другие доклады
Bruce Momjian EnterpriseDB
Защита PostgreSQL от внешних атак
This talk explores the ways attackers with no authorized database access can steal Postgres passwords, see database queries and results, and even intercept database sessions and return false data. Postgres supports features to eliminate all of these threats, but administrators must understand the attack vulnerabilities to protect against them. This talk covers all known Postgres external attack methods.
Антон Дорошкевич Инфософт
1С-Батл. PostgreSQL vs MS SQL
Comparison of capabilities of PostgreSQL and MS SQL to work with 1С. What does pg_restore mean for 1С user? Results of load testing for 1C database of more than 1TB size. The story of one 1C Production: 2 years, 500+ databases 1C, 4TB of data, cascading replication.
Anatoly Soldatov Компания - ЗАО ЛАНИТ
Как деплоить в 5 раз быстрее или рассказ о нашей реализации параллельного выполнения миграций в Liquibase
Liquibase is a very convenient tool for sequential database migration, used both on our projects and in a large number of other projects and frameworks. It allows you to keep the code of the database together with the application code in VSC, track the attempts of repeated migrations and much, much more. But sooner or later the project grows, the data occupy terabytes, and liquibase still rolls the migration sequentially.
We could not afford to deploy migrations for 100 hours and came up with a framework for liquibase that expanded its capabilities and allowed to execute a whole series of scripts in parallel or to split one large migration into small partitions and migrate them in parallel.
Sergei Starikov КнопкаKonstantin Khomyakov Кнопка
Как перестать бояться стереотипов при выборе СУБД для 1С
«KNOPKA» («The button»), the largest outsourcing of accounting, will tell you about your experience of transferring 500Gb of 1C Fresh databases to PostgreSQL. The report touches on the choice of DBMS and the fight against stereotypes, where we started and how developed the use of PostgreSQL, the approaches to backup and recovery of information security, our current performance of DBMS and 1C, a look into the future. Let us share why we believe that 1C + PostgreSQL is simple, reliable and fast.