

Dmitry Cremer
Dmitry Cremer МИА "Россия Сегодня"
: December
22 мин

Cases for monitoring & troubleshooting at highload PosgreSQL DB

A database is one of the key components in any information system, requiring the monitoring of multiple metrics. The talk highlights examples and approaches of monitoring and analysis of PostgreSQL performance that allow to minimize the load on the database server from the monitoring and data collection system for the subsequent analysis of problem situations.

  • Quantum effects or as an observer affect the observed system
  • Features of collecting metrics while monitoring the database with Zabbix
  • Data collection for analytics and visualization PostgreSQL queries with rsyslog + kafka + clickhouse + grafana
  • Operational Analysis Tools for DB loglile



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  • Andrei Salnikov
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    PostgreSQL upgrade is not as painful as it sounds

    For the majority of System Administrators and DBAs performing an upgrade for RDBMS, let alone a major one, is a pain. That’s because one of the key factors that plays a role in a decision if and when to perform an upgrade is the downtime that it might come to during the process. This is true for any databases but especially important for those that are in production or under a high load.

    Often, a major upgrade get’s cancelled and a DBA needs to go back to an older version due to the lack of experience or some basic errors that could have been easily avoided at the planning stage.

    In our consultancy, we perform upgrades for our clients regularly and it allowed us to streamline the process and take some preventative measures that help us to perform it quickly, efficiently and with minimal or no downtime.

    In this talk, I will share some key steps and tools that will help any DBA to become better at major upgrade performance. I will answer the following questions:

    How to prepare for an upgrade of PostgreSQL? What one needs to do at the planning stage? How to plan your actions during the actual upgrade process? How to perform an upgrade successfully without going back to the older version? What actions one must perform following an upgrade?

    I will also go through the two most popular processes of an upgrade: pg_upgrade и pg_dump/pg_restore, will compare some of the benefits and downfalls using each of these. I will also discuss some of the main issues one might face throughout the process and ways to avoid them.

    This talk would be of interest to those who are new to PostgreSQL, as well as experienced DBAs who would like to learn more about upgrades or those who, in general, would like to understand why major upgrades should NOT be avoided like the plague.

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    How we said goodbye to MongoDB and switched to PostgreSQL

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    My talk will describe how we moved the data from MongoDB to PostgreSQL using mosql. As a result, all the data can be received by one query now, and the table schema ensures data consistency.