Live Universal Interface (LUI) - средство коллективной разработки WEB-интерфейса прикладных систем для Postgres
Our company has developed a software product Live Universal Interface (LUI) is a tool to quickly create and modify standardized on-screen forms to WEB browsers without compiling code, know just enough SQL. LUI is aimed at B2B, B2G, G2C and B2C segments and intended for use in billing systems, financial management, accounting and control of production, where you must decide first and foremost functional tasks, rather than demonstrate unnecessary graphics elements.
Collective elaboration is provided by storing all elements of program code in the total database, which can be located on the corporate server or in the "cloud" on a third-party site.
Другие доклады
Ivan Frolkov Postgres Professional
Типичные ошибки приложений при работе с Postgres
Software applications working on PostgreSQL is a very typical case in my practice. Some of them manage to work well, some of them do not. In the talk I will focus on errors and problems of the last ones.
Vasiliy Puchkov ООО
Интеграция серверов PostgreSQL в корпоративную сеть
Meeting corporate standarts for information security, business continuity and software unification: Kerberos Authentification (Windows and Linux) in Active Directory Environment. 1C Enterprise specifics. Using backup and recovery software (HP Data Protector). Integration with corporate monitoring system (Solarwinds Mointor).
Denis Smirnov КГБУЗ КДЦ Вивея
Greenplum: внутреннее устройство MPP PostgreSQL для аналитики
As we all know, PostgreSQL is a classic vertically scalable database for OLTP loads. In parallel with PostgreSQL for many years there is its alternative horizontal-scalable MPP version of PostgreSQL, that is called Greenplum, sharpened for big data and OLAP workload. In my pitch I will show the internal architecture of Greenplum (distributed transactions, data sharding, partitioning with hybrid storage in external systems, column storage engines with compression, and much more), a comparison with the internal structure of PostgreSQL and the application areas of each solution are shown.
Ivan Muratov ООО "Первая Мониторинговая Компания"
PostgreSQL + PostGIS + TimescaleDB - хранилище для систем мониторинга транспорта
PostgreSQL + PostGIS + TimescaleDB is a ready-to-use symbiosis from a reliable RDBMS, a powerful set of geographical objects and calculations, and work with time-series data. This bundle perfectly solves the problem of storing telemetry, while leaving the whole PostgreSQL ecosystem in your hands.