Мастер-класс настройки PostgreSQL для 1С
You will have a fascinating journey through PostgreSQL settings. We will talk about that with 1C not so or on the contrary so that under it it is necessary to adjust specially DBMS. We will discuss approaches to testing the speed of 1C. Consider the various options for backup schemes and fault tolerance. In the process, we will compare the speed of 1C on PostgreSQL configured by default with the speed of 1C configured for PostgreSQL. Also, we will create a replica of PostgreSQL, and switch to it the 1C Server "live", see what users will see 1C during this operation. And a separate block will be devoted to Postgres Pro Enterprise Edition, how the use of its advantages affects the speed of 1C.
Другие доклады
Ivan Panchenko Postgres Professional
Интересные случаи использования JSON
In this tutorial, we will solve several programming problems using JSON functionality that extends SQL capabilities and virtually turns a relational database into an almost ready-to-use application server. :)
We will learn how to use aggregates, both standard and custom, as well as review possible benefits of JSON recursive structure. -
Ivan Frolkov Postgres Professional
Уровни изоляции транзакций в постгресе
Everyone has heard something about transaction isolation levels, but oddly enough, almost no one can clearly explain what it is any why it is important. At the same time, for many operations, it is critical to have a clear understanding of isolation levels and how they can affect the result. Indeed, if a customer has been paid twice and the developer has to pay back the losses, it won't seem unimportant. We'll discuss how to avoid such unpleasant situations.
Christopher Travers DeliveryHero SE
Introducing Bagger: Massive Application Log Management on PostgreSQL
This talk discusses the open source components we use at Adjust to manage a massive number (5+PB) of application log messages on PostgreSQL in a massively multi-parallel way. It provides both a use case for PostgreSQL in a big data (high volume/velocity/variety) environment, and can be used to show the power of PostgreSQL with JSONB, GIN, and more.
This talk covers the capabilities of the components in depth, sufficient to inspire similar solutions.
Александр Кварацхелия БАРС ГрупАлександр Чирков Барс Груп
Миграция с Oracle на PostgreSQL с использованием автоматического конвертера
In the report, we want to talk about the experience of migrating one large system from Oracle to PostgreSQL. The system itself was built on the PHP + Oracle stack; its distinguishing feature was that all business logic was implemented in PL / SQL code. In a DBMS, there are more than 3000 packages with 4-10 functions (procedures) in each. In PHP - more than 10,000 forms with inserts of anonymous blocks used to receive data, process and save results in Oracle.
To solve this extremely voluminous work, we took ANTLR4 (a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text), PL/SQL grammar, and created an automatic converter that allows you to convert all objects in the schema and our system from Oracle to working code for PostgreSQL.