Мастер-класс настройки PostgreSQL для 1С
You will have a fascinating journey through PostgreSQL settings. We will talk about that with 1C not so or on the contrary so that under it it is necessary to adjust specially DBMS. We will discuss approaches to testing the speed of 1C. Consider the various options for backup schemes and fault tolerance. In the process, we will compare the speed of 1C on PostgreSQL configured by default with the speed of 1C configured for PostgreSQL. Also, we will create a replica of PostgreSQL, and switch to it the 1C Server "live", see what users will see 1C during this operation. And a separate block will be devoted to Postgres Pro Enterprise Edition, how the use of its advantages affects the speed of 1C.
Другие доклады
Олег Правдин Lingualeo
Опыт плавной миграции высоконагруженного проекта (20+ млн. пользователей) c MySQL на PostgreSQL
A brief story how MySQL → PG migration could increase company efficiency tenfold times:
- Program code has been reduced 50 times, with optimization of backend team (from 15 to 3 engineers)
- Software development of new features has become measuring in days, not in months
- Infrastructure costs per 1M users have been reduced 20 times
- Database structure and technical documentation were simplified significantly, from 100K high-dependent tables to just 20 simple tables
- New security level because of total forbidden on external SQL commands to the database
- Quick analytics aggregation on multiple parameters, without external analytics systems
- The last, but not the least: the main business was keeping alive during migration
Jose Cores Finotto Gitlab Inc
Managing PostgreSQL at Gitlab.com
I would like to present the main projects for the evolution of our database, how we execute the administration, the problems and pitfalls we found, and how we solve them,the number and how are the database clusters from Gitlab.com , and what is our planning for the future, sharding, kubernetes... Our environment is in an exponential growth, with millions of users and thousands of requests per second, and we keep our platform stable and scaling. Join our session and discover our how we are doing it!
Alexander Korotkov Postgres Professional
Узкие места PostgreSQL #2
Last year I made a talk about unexpected PostgreSQL bottlenecks, which could make sad surprise to user (or DBA). Feedback to my talk was very positive. Additionally I have new material after year. This is why I'm making a sequel including new unexpected situations when your database hangs. This time focus will be on multicore hardware platforms, but not only them.
Andrey Zubkov ООО "Пармалогика"
Пример использования GiST в решении нестандартной поисковой задачи
I'll show an example of solving the problem of searching "similar" texts for one given text in big array using GiST index. The problem itself is not much important, but it is easy to understand. Using this problem as example, I'll show one of many methods of adapting GiST index for custom search problems. Maybe this talk will help you to solve other search problems.