

Álvaro Hernández
Álvaro Hernández OnGres
: December
45 мин

StackGres: Cloud-Native PostgreSQL on Kubernetes

An enterprise-grade PostgreSQL requires many complementary technologies to the database core: high availability and automated failover, monitoring and alerting, centralized logging, connection pooling, etc. That is, a stack of components around PostgreSQL. Kubernetes has enabled a new model to deploy software abstracting away the infrastructure. However, containers are not lightweight VMs, and the packing of software paradigms that work on VMs are not valid on containers/Kubernetes. How should be PostgreSQL and its stack be deployed on Kubernetes? Enter StackGres. An open source software that is the result of re-engineering PostgreSQL to become cloud native. Join this talk to learn and see demos of how to generate PostgreSQL minimal containers; how the sidecar pattern is used (abused) to integrate PostgreSQL’s stack components, and how the networking and storage are handled. More info: stackgres.io.



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