Анализ движения наземного общественного транспорта Москвы: от PostGIS к MobilityDB
Moscow public transport vehicles when moving report their coordinates via GLONASS. Collected data is used for various analyses including timetable development, bottlenecks detection and planning the bus lanes. Until recently we used the PostGIS extension for this purpose but now we are switching to a new PG extension — MobilityDB — designed especially for geodata time series processing. I have compared the table size and the performance of our solution without and with MobilityDB and happy to present the results.
Нина Белявская - Анализ движения транспорта - от PostGIS к MobylityDB.pptxВидео
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Valery Popov Postgres ProfessionalНиколай Чадаев Postgres Professional
Построение защищенных БД с использованием мандатного разграничения доступа в PostgreSQL
Role-based access control (RBAC) is one of the main mechanisms used for access control in many DBMS, including PostgreSQL. This model is a sub-type of traditional discretionary access control with its restrictions. In addition to DAC, many operating systems also use mandatory access control (MAC) based on security labels. This additional security mechanism is obligatory for protecting information that demands higher levels of security. Naturally, we would like to use MAC within DBMS when working in OS with mandatory access control switched on.
In this talk, we'll give an overview of existing MAC implementations in DBMS, as well as share our approach to using security mechanisms provided by SELinux, the sepgsql extension for PostgreSQL, and the standard mechanism of row-level security (RLS), which has been available in PostgreSQL starting from version 9.5.
In our presentation, we will use the "Airlines" demo database provided by the Postgres Professional company to show how to protect sensitive information and personal data, compare different ways of storing security labels, and assess performance of our solution. -
Иван Чувашов ООО Calltouch
Миграция данных из Oracle в PostgreSQL с использованием инструмента Pentaho
When migrating data from one DBMS to another, the question arises: choose a third-party tool or to program the migration yourself? Companies, trying to grow competencies within themselves, choose the second option. And they come across the "invention of their own bicycles". However, the market has powerful free data migration tools. One such tool is Pentaho Data Integration, part of the Pentaho Community Edition. The report will discuss the use of this package for data migration between Oracle and PostgreSQL. Particular attention will be paid to the problems with using this tool, and to the tasks of testing for the completeness and integrity of migrated data.
Small video illustration:
Ivan Panchenko Postgres Professional
Интересные случаи использования JSON
In this tutorial, we will solve several programming problems using JSON functionality that extends SQL capabilities and virtually turns a relational database into an almost ready-to-use application server. :)
We will learn how to use aggregates, both standard and custom, as well as review possible benefits of JSON recursive structure. -
Kirill Borovikov ООО "Компания "Тензор"
План + запрос = ?.. Когда анализ запроса в радость
Odd things in query plan analysis - wasted time and "unnecessary" buffers.
Structural hints in a plan. How to help a developer with optimization without writing a single line of code. How to match plan nodes with query text and take advantage of this information.