Сертификация PostgreSQL: личный опыт сдачи четырех тестов
In May 2019, Postgres Professional launched the PostgreSQL certification program. I have been working in this company since March 2020, and in a year I have successfully taken four tests on the DBA1, DBA2, DBA 3, QPT courses. In this talk, I will share my experience of preparing for the exams and passing these tests.
Видео доступно участникам мероприятия, выполнившим вход в личный кабинет
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Christopher Travers DeliveryHero SE
Почему методика Crew Resource Management должна применяться в СУБД-командах?
Crew Resource Management is a field which has become critical in many fields including aviation and nuclear power. However in IT, this field has not been well implemented. In this talk we will discuss what crew resource management is, what kinds of problems it solves, and why all database teams should implement it.
Several PostgreSQL-related case studies will be discussed and both technical and human factors will be part of the case studies.
Alexey Firsov S7 techlab
Что такое PostgreSQL для Python-разработчика?
I will not teach you database design or query optimization. This talk will cover Python drivers, PostgreSQL usage in Python, and various tools from sync and async world enabling such usage, and how this ecosystem evolved. We'll discuss Python libraries including aiopg, psycopg2, asyncpg, pgbouncer and how they interact with Postgres.
Ivan Muratov ООО "Первая Мониторинговая Компания"
TimescaleDB 2.0 - Time-series данные в распределенном кластере TimescaleDB поверх ОРСУБД PostgreSQL.
TimescaleDB extension allows to turn good old Postgres into a real distributed cluster for storing time series data while maintaining the relational model, convenient SQL and a time-tested ecosystem. And additional features such as continuous materialized views and data compression allow to build truly powerful telematic hubs.
Ivan Frolkov Postgres Professional
Надежная реализация сложной бизнес-логики с помощью pgpro_scheduler
The pgpro_scheduler extension has an interesting but little-known feature - one-time jobs. Despite its simplicity, this feature can be used for complex transaction processing. On the one hand, it helps to reliably execute tasks taking a very long time, on the other hand, it ensures app scaling if certain conditions are met.