PostgreSQL на новых процессорах Xeon и Optane Persistent Memory
Intel® Xeon® Scalable Gen 3 - new commands have been added to speed up the database: vector bit manipulation instructions to enable data compression without losses, vector instructions to make TLS protocols faster and SGX enclaves for secure code execution. We will also discuss the new generation of persistent memory Intel® Optane™ PMem 200 series. We will explain what these new technologies including oneAPI tools can give to the PostgreSQL project community
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Ekaterina Sokolova Postgres Professional
PG_QUERY_STATE: Всё о внутренней жизни ваших запросов
When working with PostgreSQL, we regularly encounter queries that take suspiciously long to be executed. What if it's too late to enable statistics or auto explain, and cancellation of the query doesn't look sensible, but you still need to find out what caused the issue or see at what stage execution the query is? pg_query_state is an open source PostgreSQL extension, which can give you access to the query execution plan in real time. It also makes available statistics for each node, including the number of processed rows.
ВВиталий Богданов АО «Байкал Электроникс»
Sergey Pronin Percona
Disaster Recovery PostgreSQL в Kubernetes
Running PostgreSQL in Kubernetes became a common theme with the rise of the operators. In this talk, we will show you how easy it is to deploy a highly available PostgreSQL cluster in Kubernetes with Operator. We will also show how to prepare for the failure of a data center by running a hot-standby cluster on a DR site.
Teodor Sigaev Postgres Professional
Зачем еще 64-битные значения?
When PostgreSQL was at its formation stage, its transaction ID was chosen to be 32-bit. Back then, no one could imagine that someday we may need more than 4 billion transactions. However, ongoing technical progress and digitization pushed some Postgres instances towards their transaction ID limit. The Postgres community reacted to this with a wraparound of the transaction ID counter. However, constantly growing data volumes exposed PostgreSQL to new challenges. In my presentation, I will cover these challenges and explain how they can be solved with a 64-bit transaction ID, what the consequences will be like, why now it is a good time to implement 64x IDs, and why this hasn't been done previously.