

Nikolai Shaplov
Nikolai Shaplov PostgresPro
16:40 26 September
45 min

Fuzzing research on PostgreSQL. How we performed it and what was found

Fuzzing research is feeding random input data to a program (or a part of it) (in fact, randomness is very conditional) and seeing what we get out of it. And we repeat it many times on many processors.

Fuzzing a large monolithic program complex is never a simple task. It requires extraordinary solutions. In this talk, I will tell you what and how we searched with the help of fuzzing and what results it led to.

  • Investigation of data type parsing functions (input-functions): for warming up;
  • Investigation of functions implementing operations between types (op-functions): it is better to consider the structure here;
  • Network subsystem fuzzing: let's pretend we are POSIX calls, it's cheaper that way;
  • Recovering disk context: we need Groundhog Day.

A story about funny bugs and ridiculous hand gestures will be included.


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