

Владимир Комаров
Владимир Комаров
10:30 01 April
40 min

Kintsugi — A New Tool for Database Administrators

There are many administrator consoles out there, ranging from the old-school DBeaver to the ubiquitous pgAdmin. However, we decided to create another one. Why?

In this talk, you’ll learn:

  • How can a single installation manage tens of thousands of database instances.

  • How many users can the console support.

  • How can you inventory your infrastructure without losing your sanity.

  • How do you integrate into an existing environment without starting from scratch.

  • How to build a security model that earns the trust of leading banks and telecom operators.

  • How can you get hands-on experience with all of this.


Slides are available to logged-in participants

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