

Michael  Paquier
Michael Paquier
16:00 04 February

PostgreSQL and backups

A backup is something that no Postgres deployments should go without as it gives the insurance to get back a deployment on its feet should a disaster strike.

In this talk we will discuss why backups are essential in any sane PostgreSQL deployments (this seems obvious) and what are the different options available to define and set up a good backup strategy. On top of that is discussed how the future of backups would need to be handled, particularly regarding differential backups that gain in popularity among users with large deployments.



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    Experience in using PostgreSQL as the database platform 1C: Enterprise 8.1 to 8.3

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  • D
    Dmitry Melnik ИСП РАН
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    Speeding up query execution in PostgreSQL using LLVM JIT compiler

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  • Gregory Stark
    Gregory Stark
    45 мин

    Sorting Through the Ages

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    Reviewing the changes to the sort code in Postgres over the last 10 years clearly shows the kinds of problems users have run into. As usage patterns changed over years, databases scaled up, and hardware changed new problems arose and drove further development to solve them.

    Upcoming changes in 9.5 and 9.6 will dramatically change the experience further. Making sorting UTF8 and other encodings less of a problem and handling scaling to larger machines with many processors and memory cache more effectively.

  • Dmitry Boikov
    Dmitry Boikov АО БАРС Груп
    Марат Фаттахов
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    • packages migration;
    • our patches solving some of the migration problems.