

Ronan Dunklau
Ronan Dunklau Dalibo
09:00 05 February
45 мин

Multicorn: разработка Foreign Data Wrapper'ов на языке Python

Multicorn is a generic Foreign Data Wrapper which goal is to simplify development of FDWs by writing them in Python.

We will see:

  • what is an FDW what Multicorn is trying to solve how to use it, with a brief tour of the FDWs shipping with Multicorn.
  • how to write your own FDW in python, including the new 9.5 IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA api.
  • the internals: what Multicorn is doing for you behind the scenes, and what it doesn't

After a presentation of FDWs in general, and what the Multicorn extension really is, we will take a look at some of the FDWs bundled with Multicorn.

Then, a complete tour of the Multicorn API will teach you how to write a FDW in python, including the following features:

  • using the table definition
  • WHERE clauses push-down
  • output columns restrictions
  • influencing the planner
  • writing to a foreign table
  • ORDER BY clauses pushdown
  • transaction management

This will be a hands-on explanation, with code snippets allowing you to build your own FDW in python from scratch.



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