Ускоряясь до миллиона записей в секунду: масштабирование PostgreSQL с помощью Citus MX
Citus allows you to distribute postgres tables across many servers. It extends postgres to transparently delegate or parallelise work across a set of worker nodes, enabling you to scale out the CPU and memory available for queries.
One year ago, we began a long journey to allow Citus to scale out another dimension: write throughput. With writes being routed through a single postgres node, write throughput in Citus was ultimately bottlenecked on the CPUs of a single node. Citus MX is a new edition of Citus which allows distributed tables to be used from from any of the nodes, enabling NoSQL-like write-scalability.
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Hans-Jürgen Schönig Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH
Миллиард строк в секунду на PostgreSQL
Database systems are increasing in size and so is the need to process huge amounts of data in real time. As commercial database vendors are bragging about their capabilities we decided to push PostgreSQL to the next level and exceed 1 billion rows per second to show what we can do with Open Source. To those who need even more: 1 billion rows is by far not the limit - a lot more is possible. Watch and see how we did it.
Алексей Лесовский PostgreSQL Consulting LLC
Поиск и устранение проблем при эксплуатации потоковой репликации
Streaming replication has been introduced in 2010 and quickly became one of the most popular features of PostgreSQL. Today, it is hard to imagine PostgreSQL installation without streaming replication. With its stability, high efficiency and ease of configuration one would have thought it is an optimal feature. However, while using it you might sometimes enter murky waters. This often can be resolved by using a combination of built-in and third party troubleshooting tools. In my talk I will provide an overview of these tools and explain how with their help one can diagnose, understand and eliminate problems related to streaming replication. I will also go through the most frequent issues occurring when streaming replication is used and will propose possible solutions. This talk is primarily aimed at DBAs and system administrators who use PostgreSQL in their day-to-day.
Alexander Alekseev Postgres Professional
ZSON, расширение PostgreSQL для прозрачного сжатия JSONB
ZSON is a PostgreSQL extension for transparent JSONB compression. Compression is based on a shared dictionary of strings most frequently used in specific JSONB documents (not only keys, but also values, array elements, etc). In some cases ZSON can save half of your disk space and give you about 10% more TPS.