Мастер-класс: Управление высокодоступными PostgreSQL кластерами с помощью Patroni
Patroni is a Python application to create high-availability PostgreSQL clusters based on the streaming replication. It is used by Red Hat, IBM Compose, Zalando and many other companies. This tutorial will highlight Patroni architecture, provide attendees with hands-on experience of configuring high-availability PostgreSQL clusters with Patroni, describe how to take advantage of numerous additional features and give an opportunity to learn more about common mistakes related to running Patroni and its troubleshooting.
In order to take most out of the Patroni tutorial one needs a laptop with git, vagrant and virtual box installed.
Vagrant can be obtained from https://www.vagrantup.com Virtualbox is at https://www.vagrantup.com
Alternatively, one can install your Linux distribution packages (or use homebrew on Mac).
Once Vagrant and Virtualbox are installed one can run the Patroni VM by issuing the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/alexeyklyukin/patroni-training $ cd patroni-training $ vagrant up
When the setup concludes Patroni box can be accessed via ssh using vagrant ssh command.