

Álvaro Hernández
Álvaro Hernández OnGres
10:00 04 February
180 мин

Миграция с Oracle на PostgreSQL

Stop paying for Larry’s boat!

PostgreSQL is a fully-featured, enterprise-grade and open source database, named two years in a row database of the year! And it’s also the best candidate to migrate off of Oracle, supporting very advanced SQL, easy administration and pl/pgsql, a replacement for Oracle’s PL/SQL. Stop spending hundreds of thousands or millions of $ on database licenses and reinvest them in your team, infrastructure and software.

Join this half-day tutorial to learn the best practices, tricks and tools to perform a successful Oracle to PostgreSQL migration. Learn from the team that performed 150M users Blackberry migration to PostgreSQL on GCP with near-zero downtime, and the key author behind orafce, a set of Oracle compatible functions on top of PostgreSQL.


Другие доклады

  • Pavel Molyavin
    Pavel Molyavin 2ГИС
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    Готовим PostgreSQL в эпоху DevOps. Опыт 2ГИС

    The dark age for PostgreSQL started at 2GIS after transitioning to the microservice architecture. Every team tried to cook database on their own — by installing instances, juggling versions, trying to code deployments with numerous tools or using manual operations. It was the right time to develop a “silver bullet” — a common set of tools to solve all the problems at once. We created our own cluster solution based on well-known PostgreSQL, repmgr, pgbouncer and Barman. Despite of the complexity of our final solution, we developed a repeatable flexible deployment to accelerate postgresql cluster deployment and management. Also we deployed the our own cluster to consolidate all databases. It helped to eliminate team efforts for database management and focus on their main goals. Failover works, we tried it :-)

  • Pavel Luzanov
    Pavel Luzanov Postgres Professional
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    Обучение и сертификация: что нового и ближайшие планы

    The first training course "DBA1. PostgreSQL Administration. Basic Course" was introduced by Postgres Professional in September 2015. The course was based on the then up-to-date version of PostgreSQL 9.4. A set of new courses has been introduced since then. In turn, the PostgreSQL database didn't stand still either.

    The report will present the current line of courses for administrators and application developers. We will also show the roadmap for the near future, which includes specialist certification.

  • T
    Tatsuro Yamada NTT Comware
    22 мин

    Настройка автопланировщика с использованием цикла обратной связи

    As is often seen in OLAP and batch processing workloads, the more complex a query (containing many joins, filters, aggregates), the more there is a possibility of row count estimation errors, which leads to planner choosing an inefficient execution plan.

    To address that problem, I developed a tool called pg_plan_advsr as a PostgreSQL extension, which corrects the estimation errors by repeatedly feeding back the information collected during query execution to the planner.

    The tool has three features:

    1. Automatic plan tuning by repeatedly feeding execution information to planner
    2. Preserve all plans generated during plan tuning in a history table
    3. Create and store optimizer hints to be able to reproduce plans generated during tuning process

    I verified the effectiveness of pg_plan_advsr by enabling it when running the join order benchmark (JOB) against PG 10.4 and observed its execution time shortening to 50% of the original. Therefore, it is useful for user who would like to do plan tuning for OLAP and batch processing.

    I will talk about the following things in this presentation:

    • Principles behind pg_plan_advsr and its architecture
    • Detailed information about the measurements done with JOB
    • Possible future enhancements
    • Using aqo and pg_plan_advsr together (experimental)

  • Jignesh Shah
    Jignesh Shah Amazon Web Services
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    Секреты работы со службой Amazon RDS для PostgreSQL

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