

Teodor Sigaev
Teodor Sigaev Postgres Professional
16:00 05 February

Postgres Pro Enterprise features

Postgres Pro Enterprise features description from the developers.



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    Everyone has heard something about transaction isolation levels, but oddly enough, almost no one can clearly explain what it is any why it is important. At the same time, for many operations, it is critical to have a clear understanding of isolation levels and how they can affect the result. Indeed, if a customer has been paid twice and the developer has to pay back the losses, it won't seem unimportant. We'll discuss how to avoid such unpleasant situations.

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    Christopher Travers DeliveryHero SE
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    Alexander Liubushkin
    Alexander Liubushkin ООО "ФОРС Телеком"
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    Development of WEB-applications for Postgres using the new tool - Live Universal Interface (LUI)

    Will be demonstrated in the master-class the following: 1). The benefits of declarative programming. Rapid creation of complex LUI-forms using only SQL. 2). Support for long transactions and automatic locks. An example of a wizard with a record directly in the database. 3). The multilingual fields and columns. Rapid inclusion of multilingualism in existing forms. 4). Control the coloring of data in fields and columns of the form. Typical examples. 5). Live search in input fields using the example of address input. 6). How to configure the LUI to enter and display of application-specific data. 7). Design form Master Detail with retrieving data from two different databases. 8). How end-user builds of complex data queries without using SQL.

  • Dmitry Vasilyev
    Dmitry Vasilyev Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    Using PostgreSQL in AWS RDS: problems, recipes and tools.

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